Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2062: The aggrieved Gu An 3

Father Gu brought Gu An and his parents to Mu's house.

Before coming, Mr. Gu naturally informed Mr. Mu. Unlike the first time, the sudden attack represented their sincerity.

Mr. Mu knew that Mr. Gu was coming today, and he was going to bring his grandson to the house to thank him. Of course, he was a warm welcome.

"Haha, old Gu, you can count as coming, just waiting for you to come!" When Mr. Mu saw Mr. Gu, he smiled and greeted him.

Elder Gu smiled and walked to the sofa and sat down, "I'm afraid I'm here, you love your tea!"

"What's so distressing!" Elder Mu was very proud. "This is my granddaughter's tea. Old man I want as much as you want. It's not like you. You have to work hard if you want it!"

Listening to the ostentatious words of Mr. Mu, Mr. Gu furiously blew his beard and stared, "Huh, you old boy, it seems that you have accumulated a lot of virtue in your previous life, and you actually have such a good granddaughter!" Said sourly.

Grandpa Gu also has grandchildren and granddaughters, but none of them can have the ability like Mu Yue, and Gu An, this stinky boy, is simply a waste. In addition to causing trouble every day, he almost kills himself.

To be honest, not being jealous and admiring the old man is definitely telling lies.

"Hahaha, that is!" Elder Mu was even more happy, shouting into the house, "Xiao Yueer, hurry up and let the gap come out!"

Mu Yue came over with a small porcelain bottle and said with a smile, "Come on!"

"Hahaha, come and try Xiao Yue'er's tea-making craft!" Mr. Mu said to Mr. Gu with a smile.

Elder Gu smiled and nodded, "Well, well, I've heard Lao Yan and the others say that Mu Yue's tea-making craftsmanship is amazing, I want to taste it!"

"That is!" Elder Mu said happily.

Grandpa Gu looked at Mu Yue with satisfaction, then glanced at his grandson Gu An, "What are you doing so stupidly sitting over there? Not good, thank you Mu Yue for his life-saving grace?"

The named Gu An returned to his senses, a little unwilling, but still bowed to Mu Yue, "Thank you Miss Mu for her life-saving grace!"

"This is what I should do!" Mu Yue said faintly while washing the cup, "I can only save you this time. In the future, if you are drunk driving regardless of your life, I will not save you again!"

Although Mr. Gu was here, Mu Yue still warned Gu An.

Elder Gu turned his head and glared at Gu An fiercely, "Have you heard?"

"I heard it!" Gu An replied lazily, but he retorted in his heart, I didn't necessarily want you to save it!

Mu Yue lifted her eyes, glanced at Gu An, and stopped looking at him. What was this kid thinking, how could she hide it from her?

However, he will not open it up, just give him a warning temporarily, let him live a little bit later, and make her less trouble.

Grandpa Gu glanced at his grandson dissatisfiedly. He was really dissatisfied. It's just that he spoiled him too much before, which made him so arrogant and arrogant and domineering.

"I think I have to find someone to look at you!" Old man Gu snorted coldly, then turned to look at Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, are you on summer vacation, are you free?"

"I'm afraid I'm not free, I have to work on company affairs!" Mu Yue said with a bright smile on his face.

Mu Yue couldn't understand what the old man Gu was thinking about. He just said Gu An, and now he asked him, she must have been asked to discipline her, she was not that stupid!

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