Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2063: The aggrieved Gu An 4

Elder Gu said with a smile, "It's really busy, but I have to take a good rest. I have a driver here, so he can take you to deal with things!"

"Driver? No need! I have one!" Mu Yue refused without thinking.

Elder Mu glanced at Elder Gu and also smiled. It is estimated that this old fellow wants his grandson to follow Mu Yue.

And Mu Yue knew it too, so she refused without saying a word.

My granddaughter is still smart and knows what to do.

Grandpa Gu felt that he was choked. He didn't know what to say for a while.

Gu An, who was depressed, almost didn't laugh when he saw that his grandfather was deflated.

He had never seen him before, and his grandfather would have such a depressed expression.

Father Gu thought for a while and said, "My driver is free!"

"My driver is my brother, and he doesn't need money!" Mu Yue said with a slight smile.

Elder Gu didn't give up and persuaded him, "Your brother must have a lot of things. My driver is very busy. He doesn't have anything to do every day. It hurts to be busy, so you can just ask!"

Mu Yue raised his eyes and glanced at Old Man Gu, with a bright smile on the corner of his mouth, and asked meaningfully, "Old Gu, I don't know who the driver you introduced is, why do you listen to what you said so I don't want to see him! Who made you so angry? Just throw him in jail, isn't it?"

Mr. Gu was a little bit dumbfounded. This girl is really a ghost. She always knew what he was going to say from start to finish, but she just didn't want to agree.

In the end, he could only sigh deeply in his heart. Father Gu glanced at Gu An helplessly and said, "This stinky boy, I can't teach him anymore, so I plan to let him during your summer vacation. Be your driver and let him follow you!"

"What!?" Mu Yue didn't have any surprises when he heard Old Man Gu's words, it was Gu An who was shocked by the accident.

Gu An stood up from the sofa quickly, "Grandpa, you let me be her driver? Let me follow her?"

Grandpa Gu glanced at the excited Gu An, "Yes, I want you to be a driver for Mu Yue! You can do what she asks you to do! Don't you dare to listen, don't blame me for not acknowledging you as a grandson!"

Gu An opened his eyes again in surprise and opened his mouth.

"Old Gu, your grandson doesn't want to be my driver, so I think it's better to forget it!" Mu Yue smiled and said.

Elder Gu smiled and said comfortingly to Mu Yue, "No, Mu Yue, don’t worry, he will be your driver with peace of mind. If he is not as good as your intentions, as long as you are dissatisfied, you can hit whatever you want. Don't kill, he will teach you how you want!"

"As long as you don't kill, how can you teach it?"

When Gu An heard the last words that Old Man Gu said, he only felt that there was a thunder rolling above his head.

He didn't expect that his grandfather would just abandon him like this and let him be Mu Yue's driver and his younger brother.

Mu Yue raised her eyebrows, glanced at Father Gu meaningfully, and cast her eyes down.

How could she not understand this old man's intentions?

My grandson relied on his family background to mess around outside. The old man was reluctant to teach him, so he could only let her be the villain, hoping to help him educate the kid.

To be honest, it is definitely a troublesome thing to take over this matter.

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