Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2064: Gu Shao is the driver 1

"Old Gu, it seems that your precious grandson is unwilling. If that's the case, let's forget it!" Mu Yue chuckled lightly and said.

Elder Gu coldly snorted, "I can't help but he doesn't want to! From tomorrow, I will let him follow you!"

"Grandpa!" Gu An couldn't help calling out to Grandpa Gu, his face full of grievance and depression.

He didn't understand why Grandpa must do this!

Elder Mu laughed loudly and said, "Old bones, you have also heard, your kid is not willing to follow our Xiaoyue, I think it's better!"

"I can't help him!" Old Gu didn't seem to want to listen to Gu An's rebuttal and dissatisfaction.

Gu An only felt that she had been abandoned by the whole world. What a thing, as a grandfather, he sold himself so easily.

Yes, I just sold him, and it still feels like it's upside-down.

Mu Yue laughed, and said jokingly, "I think it's better to forget it, lest your grandson drive around and don't know which car you crashed into!"

Gu An turned his head and glared at Mu Yue fiercely with dissatisfaction. What is rambling!

Mu Yue seemed to notice Gu An's eyes and turned to look at him, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "You seem to be very dissatisfied with what I said!"

"Humph!" Gu An snorted coldly, but didn't refute it.

Elder Gu smiled and comforted Mu Yue, "Don't worry, he won't be dissatisfied. This is the matter, it's settled. Tell him where you are going!"

"Hehe, tomorrow I will go to the medicinal restaurant I built in Beijing at 8 o'clock, just don't know, some people can afford it!" Mu Yue smiled and looked at Mr. Gu.

Father Gu smiled and nodded, "Okay! Let this kid get up early!"

"Yes! Look at that time. If he can make it in time, he will drive, but if he can't make it, I can only go by myself, and I won't be able to follow me in the future!" Mu Yue said with a raised lips.

If you are late, don't blame her for rejecting it, she has made it clear.

She believed that this guy still knew that as long as he was late, he didn't have to follow her.

"Okay, this is what you said, as long as he can get to Mu's house before 8 o'clock tomorrow, let him follow you!" Old man Gu said with a smile.

As long as this girl agrees, he will take care of other things, and he will never let this girl find any reason for rejection.

Mu Yue picked up the already poured tea and handed it to Elder Gu and the others.

Grandpa Gu took it, took a sip, closed his eyes for a while in contemplation, "This tea is refreshing in the mouth, soothing the whole body, good tea! Sure enough, this tea still needs people who know how to make tea to be able to brew its taste!

Elder Mu also directly picked up the tea cup in front of him and tasted it carefully.

Since Mu Yue came back yesterday, Mr. Mu has asked her to make a cup of tea for him every day and let him drink it. This is a kind of enjoyment for his elderly.

"It's really good tea!" Father Gu's son and wife nodded in agreement.

Gu An also took a glass, took a sip, his eyes lit up, and touched his body, only feeling comfortable all over.

After drinking the whole cup of tea, I feel that the whole person is more relaxed. The dullness of staying at home during this period of time has disappeared.

Mu Yue also picked up a cup and tasted it carefully. "Only by tasting it carefully can you taste his taste!"

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