Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2065: Gu Shao is the driver 2

Although I had agreed to let Gu An be his driver, Mu Yue felt that Gu An would never be so obedient.

Mu Yue could only postpone the time to go to the medicinal restaurant because they were going to show up because of a call from Mr. Gu.

I deliberately checked the physical condition of Gu An in front of Mr. Gu and made sure that he was all right, so he was relieved.

Mu Yue got up again this morning, and after meditating cross-legged, he ate breakfast on the table.

Mr. Mu, who was drinking the porridge, glanced at his watch and said, "It's already seven and fifty. I guess that kid can't keep up!"

Mu Yue smiled and gnawed the steamed bun in front of him, and said, "Not necessarily! Old man Gu insisted that his grandson be handed over to me!"

"Hey, this old guy, he can't manage his grandson well, so he asked you to take care of him. The small one is the big one. It's really a shame for him to do it!" Elder Mu snorted coldly.

Mu Yue just smiled, did not speak, and ate the breakfast in front of him.

Seeing that it was almost eight o'clock, a doorbell rang.

"Come on!" The first reaction of the old man Mu and Mu Yue was this thought, "It seems to have caught up!"

Sure enough, the babysitter went to open the door and saw behind the babysitter, a guard who was dragging and shaking Gu An walked in.

Elder Mu looked at Gu An's appearance, couldn't help but smile, and turned to look at Mu Yue.

That old man Gu will really do it!

Mu Yue glanced at Gu An, put down the breakfast in his hand, stood up and said, "Well, the time is right, you can go!"

Gu An opened his mouth, looked around with a yawn, and glanced at Mu Yue dissatisfiedly, "I haven't woken up yet! Are you not afraid that I will drive you and kill you?"

Mu Yue walked in front of Gu An with a bright smile at the corner of her mouth, "You can try, can I make you sleepless and stay awake all the time!"

After speaking, Gu An only felt a flash of silver light in front of him, and then, his sleepy mind suddenly became sober, especially clear, as if he was energetic after sleeping for a hundred and eighty years.

"En?" Gu An looked around puzzledly, rubbing his eyes, "What's wrong with me?"

Mu Yue ignored this guy, picked up the bag on the sofa, and walked towards the door, "You can go!"

The security guard who had dragged Gu An to come reminded him, "Gu Shao, this is the key. Go and drive Ms. Mu!"

Gu An looked at the key in his hand, raised his head and glared at his grandfather's guard, gritted his teeth with anger, "Wait for me!"

The guard directly ignored Gu Anfang's harsh words, turned around and saluted Mr. Mu, "Mr Mu, I'll report to Mr. Gu if I'm okay!"

"Go, go!" Elder Mu smiled and waved his hand.

Mu Yue sat in the back seat of the car that had just dragged Gu An, and Gu An grabbed his head and walked over.

He is very surprised, why he is so awake now, as if he has been asleep.

Looking at Mu Yue who was sitting behind, she knew clearly that this girl was doing the trick, but he didn't know how to do it. He wanted to ask, but he knew that she would definitely not say it, she could only snort coldly. With a cry, he sat in the driver's seat unwillingly.

"Where to go?" Gu An started the car and asked Mu Yue behind him.

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