Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2066: Gu Shao is the driver 3

Gu An took Mu Yue to the medicinal restaurant in the capital.

The medicinal restaurant is built in the suburbs of the city surrounded by mountains and rivers, with a beautiful environment.

However, Mu Yue can still see that along the way, blocks of houses have started to be built in the surrounding areas, and this area will soon be developed.

When she built it here last year, it was completely outskirts, the feeling of the wilderness, but now it has a completely new look.

Gu An followed Mu Yue's instructions and came to the parking lot outside the medicated restaurant.

Mu Yue got out of the car and looked at the old-fashioned medicinal restaurant in front of him, but with the taste of the modern city. The corners of her lips rose, revealing a proud smile.

It is also a medicinal restaurant, which is a chain restaurant that accompanies its development.

Gu An got out of the car and looked around. He couldn't help but exclaim in his heart. It was such a big deal!

Although this building is a bit old-fashioned, it is also a high-rise restaurant with a grand entrance.

From the outside, the construction of the medicinal food hall has been completed, the surrounding environment is full of flowers, and the air is surrounded by a faint fragrance of flowers and plants.

Ling Hong walked out of the medicated restaurant, "Mu Dong, you are here!"

Because the medicated food restaurant in Beijing is about to be completed, as the general manager in charge of the medicated food restaurant, Ling Hong naturally has to come over and supervise him personally.

Mu Yue walked over, "President Ling, how is the medicated food restaurant built?"

Ling Hong smiled confidently and said, "The decoration has been completed, and we are already arranging the waiter training!"

"En!" Mu Yue nodded gently, "How is the chef training?"

"The chef training is almost the same, but I still let them practice more. In order to make them proficient in the kitchen, I have recently moved them to the kitchen of the medicinal restaurant to practice!" Ling Hong explained.

"Well, you really have to be proficient, so as not to keep up with the speed of cooking and serving!" Mu Yue nodded.

With the experience of opening other medicinal restaurants, Mu Yue and Ling Hong also have some experience and preparations.

"Mu Dong, it's still early, did you have breakfast? The chefs in the kitchen just made some breakfast, you can try it!" Ling Hong said with a smile.

Mu Yue thought for a while and nodded, "Although I have already come to eat, I can still eat some, let the kitchen prepare some, and taste it!"

"Hey, don't tell me! I haven't eaten breakfast yet, I drove the whole way, and I was starving to death!" Gu An, who had been watching a circle outside, ran up and said to Mu Yue hurriedly.

Ling Hong glanced at Gu An incomprehensibly, and asked Mu Yue curiously, "Mu Dong, who is he? Your driver?"

"It's a driver!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile, "His grandfather arranged for him to be a free driver for me, and he can beat or scold me!"

When Gu An heard this, he was immediately unhappy, and yelled at Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, what do you mean by this? What do you mean by beating or scolding?"

Mu Yue ignored this guy and turned to Ling Hong and said, "Let's go, let's try the craftsmanship of these chefs first!"

Ling Hong smiled and glanced at Gu An. Although he didn't know him, judging from what Mu Yue had said, this young man who was supposed to go back to be a fool would definitely have an extraordinary family background.

"Mu Dong, please, I have already arranged it!" Ling Hong yelled and led the way, letting Mu Yue and the others go to the box first.

Gu An followed, looking around.

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