Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2067: Gu Shao's pitfall 1

Gu An followed Mu Yue and Ling Hong into the box.

Mu Yue and Ling Hong sat at the dining table first, while Gu An turned around in this box, shaking his head and sighing for a while.

"This room is pretended to be the same as in ancient times. Is this going to pass through? Or go back to ancient times?" Gu An asked Mu Yue as he said.

Mu Yue tapped the table a few times, "Aren't you going to have breakfast? What are you standing over there?"

Gu An curled his lips, but ignored Mu Yue's words and continued to look at the situation in the room.

Until the waiter brought some medicinal meals cooked by the chef and put them on the table, Gu An could not help but scream when he smelled the fragrance of the food.

"So fragrant! What is this!" Gu An walked to the table and sat down directly, picking up his chopsticks to eat.

He didn't expect that these dishes were so fragrant, he couldn't help eating it into his mouth, his teeth and cheeks were fragrant, and his eyes widened.

"It's delicious, it's delicious!" Gu An only ate the food, but couldn't say a complete sentence. Moreover, with only a few words, it was delicious.

Mu Yue glanced at Gu An's wolf gulping appearance, couldn't help but shook her head with a chuckle, "Unexpectedly, our Young Master Gu would still have dishes that he hadn't eaten! You gobbled it so hard that your grandfather didn't give it yesterday Did you eat it?"

Gu An held the food in her mouth, but didn't swallow it. It seemed that she was so ignorant, and she liked to eat dishes made by people he hated so much, and she was very depressed.

However, this dish was really delicious. It was more delicious than the hotel food he had eaten outside. No old-fashioned dish was as good as the dishes made by this medicinal restaurant in Mu Yue.

"I... I just drove you all morning, and I was hungry. Who knew that you would let me drive you without giving me food. I was eating what I should do!" Gu An immediately I found a reason for myself, saying that it was so arrogant.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded. Looking at Gu An's appearance, she only thought it was a little funny, but she didn't say anything, and ate the dishes prepared by the chefs.

Of course, if there were any problems with the seasoning in these dishes, Mu Yue still had some of them. Mu Yue took a note for every problem.

"You write me, let those chefs pay more attention!" Mu Yue wrote, while instructing Ling Hong.

Gu An stared at his eyes in shock, watching Mu Yue write, "What kind of tongue is this? There is a problem with eating it! Is there a problem? Why can't I eat it? It's delicious. what!"

A bright smile appeared on Mu Yue's face and looked at Gu An, "Is it delicious?"

"Of course it's delicious, it's the best I've ever eaten..." Halfway through, Gu An didn't say anything, and bit the chopsticks in his hand, very depressed.

He actually said what was in his heart, and praised the dishes made by Mu Yue Medicinal Restaurant for being so delicious!

I didn’t think, I have to talk about Mu Yue in a while, in fact, this dish is not very delicious, it is because he is hungry that he will eat so fast, so much!

It's definitely not because he thinks this dish is delicious that he eats so much.

Seeing Gu An's depressed expression at this time, Mu Yue chuckled lightly, "It's really fortunate for my medicinal restaurant to be recognized by your Gu Shao!"

Gu An snorted coldly, and could only lower his head and silently eat the dishes in front of him, feeling that he was embarrassed again in front of Mu Yue.

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