Mu Yue handled the medicinal restaurant's affairs, and it was near noon again.

The chefs made some dishes that were different from those in the morning and let Mu Yue eat them.

There is only a small dish or a small bowl on each plate, which is also separated from the dishes, and the others are for the staff working in the medicinal restaurant now.

In the end, it was a great honor that Gu An was struggling again.

"Horse eggs, why are there, I can't eat them anymore!" Gu An scolded while looking at some of the dishes left in front of him.

He actually had the idea of ​​looking at the things in front of him and still wanting to eat, but he couldn't eat it anymore.

Brothers like them, they used to go out to eat, it was all meaning, and there is no such thing as now.

It is the first time that Gu An has eaten support today, and he has eaten support twice in a row.

You know, he grew up in an environment like Gu's family. What hasn't he eaten?

Therefore, it is not like it is now, to eat so crazy, just let yourself eat and support.

Mu Yue smiled and finished the dishes in front of him, and said with a smile, "You don't need to eat it, you can skip it!"

Gu An said, "I don't want to waste food!"

"Oh, when did our Young Master Gu even know that food cannot be wasted? It is shameful to waste food!" Mu Yue laughed immediately.

"You haven't seen how to eat before, how do you know that I wasted no food before!" Gu An was very dissatisfied and rolled his eyes at Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded, "Yes, I really don't know, I just assumed it was my misunderstanding, I made a mistake!"

Gu An touched his stomach, turned his head to look at Mu Yue, and asked curiously, "How do you make your dishes, and why are they so different from other stores?"

Because I haven't learned about Mu Yue, I don't know that these dishes belong to medicated diet, not ordinary dishes.

Mu Yue took a towel and wiped her mouth lightly, and said lightly, "You should know that I am a Chinese medicine doctor, and a Chinese medicine doctor can use Chinese medicine. Put these Chinese medicines into the dishes to make the dishes become It's more delicious and healthier. You can also eat healthy and healthy dishes through diet therapy!"

"I need medicine! Well, it is true that some of me are indeed coming out of medicine, but some are not!" Gu An smashed his mouth, thinking about the food he had just eaten, and then agreed to order. nod.

Mu Yue explained to Gu An with a smile, "That's right, those who can love the taste of medicinal materials, and some need to practice more cooking skills, burn the taste of those medicinal materials, so that the diners can't eat it. , And some of them just need some medicinal flavor to burn out the essence of the medicine and eat it into the human body, which can help people regulate the body!"

Gu An touched his chin and nodded, seeming to understand what Mu Yue said.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yue reminded him, “There are some of these to help you recuperate your body. After all, you have been in a car accident before, and your bones and muscles have been damaged. Come and drink my medicinal wine. Your body’s recovery is also good!"

"You should feel that your body is much better than you were yesterday, right?" Mu Yue asked Gu An with a smile.

At this time, Gu An didn't know, she had slowly walked into Mu Yue's complete set, slowly and earnestly listening to every word she said.

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