Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2070: Gu Shao's violent thunder 1

Gu An moved his muscles and bones and sighed, "Don't tell me, I really don't feel it yet, really! I don't feel that the bones I hit before have the slightest pain, and I don't feel anymore!"

Before seeing Mu Yue, although he recovered and was discharged from the hospital, strenuous exercise still caused some pain in his body, but he didn't pay attention to it and felt it was normal.

After all, he had been in such a tragic car accident, and those friends, friends, and friends were surprised at how early he was discharged from the hospital.

But he didn't say that it was because of Mu Yue's treatment that he got better so quickly, he didn't want to admit that Mu Yue, a female devil, helped him heal him.

"That's right, the spiritual tea I made for you yesterday, through my formal tea-making method, maximize the effect of spiritual tea, and today let you eat these medicated diets that nourish your body, the natural effect will be doubled, and you His body quickly recovered, and this is also related to your youth, the vitality and blood are very strong, and it is the main reason for speeding up your body recovery!" Mu Yue explained that the head is right, and Gu An also feels quite reasonable. He didn't even hold back with Mu Yue.

Gu An subconsciously replied, "Then I will eat more in the future!"

Mu Yue smiled and supported her chin, looking at Gu An, "Ha ha ha, my medicated restaurant, it is really an honor for our medicinal restaurant to be able to let Gu Shao come!"

After listening to these words, Gu An only felt something was wrong, but he soon reacted and slapped his mouth directly.

How could he jump into Mu Yue's trap so easily!

This girl, is it a girl? How can he be so treacherous and cunning!

"What are you doing by beating yourself?" Mu Yue blinked and asked with a puzzled look.

Gu An snorted aggrievedly, "There are mosquitoes, I'm hitting mosquitoes! No way!"

"Are there mosquitoes?" Mu Yue looked around suspiciously, and said to Ling Hong, "Big Brother Ling, you have to do well with this mosquito level. You can't let mosquitoes enter our medicinal restaurant, nor flies. !"

Listening to Mu Yue's words, Ling Hong sighed, but his face was still serious and nodded, "Mu Dong rest assured, we will work hard to prevent mosquitoes and flies from entering, and we will never let them disturb every customer's meal. mood!"

"En! Very good!" Mu Yue nodded her head as if satisfied.

This posture and this conversation made Gu An grin straightly and even wanted to swear, so why don't you have to live?

Mu Yue glanced at Gu An, who was depressed and wanted to scratch the wall, amused in her heart, stood up, clapped her hands, "Alright, time is almost up, Gu Shao, you take me to a place first!"

"So fast? I can't walk!" Gu An immediately shook his head like a rattle, leaning on the chair and didn't want to move.

"Give you medicinal wine that can help you keep fit, don't you want it?" Mu Yue glanced at Gu An lightly and asked.

Gu An was shocked, then turned to look at Mu Yue, "Medicinal wine?"

"Since you don't want it, forget it, President Ling, come with me, and you can get some goods by the way!" Mu Yue turned his head and said to Ling Hongfeng.

Gu An stood up reluctantly, and said dissatisfied, "Who said I won't go, you said, this is for me to support my body, how can I be missing!"

"You didn't want to go!" Mu Yue said irritably.

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