Although Gu An was reluctant, he still followed Mu Yue to Xiao Junyan's villa in Beijing.

Xiao Junyan has never been in the capital, his villa and home are just as nonexistent.

Although Mu Yue redecorated him and added some popular things, after all, Xiao Junyan was not here, and it still gave people a very depressed feeling.

Gu An took Mu Yue to Xiao Junyan's villa and looked around, "Is this villa yours?"

"Not really!" Mu Yue replied faintly, took out the key, and opened the door of the villa, "You should park your car first! Don't block the way!"

Although Gu An didn't like being ordered by Mu Yue so much, Gu An still parked the car obediently.

Mu Yue entered the villa, took out the big tank of medicinal wine in her own space, and placed it in the empty room Xiao Junyan specially prepared for her.

The entire empty room had become a full of wine jars that were sealed.

Mu Yue opened the sealing mud of these wine tanks, and scents of Chinese medicine mixed with wine filled the room.

Gu An, who had parked the car and entered, moved his nose and took a deep breath, "This is a wine cellar! The smell of wine like this makes you drunk!"

Gu An came to Mu Yue's side and watched as Mu Yue took the wine scoop and took the medicinal liquor inside.

"Is it all right? I'll have a drink too!" Gu An ran over with a cheeky, completely forgot. Yesterday he thought that Mu Yue in front of him was a devil and a devil!

Mu Yue made a small cup for Gu An, "Try it!"

Gu An glanced at Mu Yue, then looked at the wine glass in his hand, raised his head and drank it dry. In an instant, his throat was hot, and his stomach was hot.

Although the stomach was hot, this hot feeling brought the ultimate comfort to his body.

As if in an instant, all the impurities in his body were removed, and the soreness in his body disappeared in an instant.

Gu An smashed his mouth, staring at Mu Yue with round eyes, "This...what kind of wine is this? can it have such a big effect? ​​I...I used to drink wine and even Maotai. I don’t feel that way!"

Mu Yue smiled, turned around and continued to work on his own work, while saying, "This is the medicinal wine that I brewed. It is brewed with Chinese medicine. It can not only strengthen the body, but also eliminate the physical pain! It is suitable for you to drink! "

Gu An moved his limbs, then touched the bones on his chest, and pressed the bones of his previous hands a little harder.

Although there was still some pain, it was much better than before seeing Mu Yue.

The doctor said that if you want to fully recover, you have to lie at home for a month and a half before the pain will gradually decrease.

However, it has only been two days now, and it is obviously better than before.

"This is really a god!" Gu An couldn't help but let out a horrified feeling in his heart.

Mu Yue helped Gu An get a bottle of medicinal wine and said, "Take this bottle and drink one sip every day, but you can't drink too much. If you drink too much, your body can't bear it, but you can also drink it. Although the taste of the wine will decrease, but the effect of this medicine is still there. When you finish drinking this bottle, your body will fully recover!"

"Is it so magical?" Gu An took the bottle that Mu Yue handed over, a little surprised.

Mu Yue was dissatisfied and wanted to grab it, "Don't forget it!"

"You gave it to me, and you gave it to me!" Gu An hid the bottle behind him, unwilling to return it.

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