Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2078: Old Qi's phone 1

Gu An got into the car and looked at Mu Yue behind him with complicated eyes.

Mu Yue looked up at Gu An and asked, "Why keep looking at me?"

"No...nothing!" Gu An felt as if he had been caught by someone for doing bad things. He was very guilty and quickly recovered and started the car.

Mu Yue raised her eyebrows and asked him jokingly, "Do you think I'm scary?"

Gu An immediately shook his head and shook his head like a rattle, "No, how could it be, you're just good at it, not terrible, in fact, are very gentle and kind!"

Thinking of Mu Yue's skill just now in her mind, she couldn't help but her body trembled, and she could only say something against her heart.

"Gentle, kind?" Mu Yue was a little funny when she heard this description of herself, "Do you really think I'm very gentle?"

It is estimated that there are some who describe her kind in this world, but Xiao Junyan is the only one who describes her gentle, and this Gu An is also an exception, she is completely frightened by her to talk nonsense.

Gu An hurriedly nodded his head like smashing garlic, "Yunenen, gentle, very gentle, very gentle! No one is more gentle than you!"

After saying this, Gu An couldn't help feeling the cold sweat on his forehead fiercely. He wanted to slap himself in the mouth. He felt that this adjective was a bit unreliable.

However, having said everything, he couldn't take it back, so he could only bite the bullet and agreed.

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded, a little funny, and said remindingly, "If you don't mess around with those people in the future, you won't have today's trouble!"

Gu An replied dullly, "I know!"

"You are very satisfied with your performance today. I told Lao Gu, um, you worked hard to protect me!" Mu Yue nodded and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Gu An's body trembled, and hurriedly pleaded to Mu Yue, "Elder sister, can't I call you older sister older? Don't tell my grandfather about my fight!"

"Why?" Mu Yue asked Gu An pretending to be very puzzled.

Gu An was full of sorrow, "If you let Grandpa know that I'm still doing trouble outside with you, I will definitely be beaten by him when I go back! The eldest sister is big, and I will be your little brother in the future. I will do whatever you ask me to do. What, if you let me go east, I will never go west!"

Mu Yue looked at Gu An amusedly and nodded, "Okay, this is what you said, you can't regard me as your enemy in the future!"

"What kind of enemy, I...I...I don't, you are my savior!" Gu An explained with a guilty conscience.

Mu Yue looked at Gu An amusedly, as if she could see through his mind, making Gu An feel uncomfortable in any change, and her **** seemed to have been pricked with needles.

Gu An scratched his head, "Big sister!"

"Don't call me that, it seems that I am a gangster!" Mu Yue waved his hand to prevent Gu An from calling himself.

Gu An quickly bargained with Mu Yue, but her tone was still a little weak, "Then don't tell my grandpa about them!"

"Well, I won't tell!" Mu Yue nodded, but also warned, "You have to promise me that you are not allowed to go wild in the future!"

"Promise to answer, I will definitely agree!" Gu An nodded quickly, and started the car and said, "Go home, and I will take you home. It will be the rush hour in the next night!"

Mu Yue smiled and folded her hands on her chest, leaning on the back seat.

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