Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2079: Old Qi's phone 2

Seeing Mu Yue and Gu An coming back, Mr. Mu smiled and said, "Come!"

Gu An turned his head and looked towards the hall, and saw not only Mr. Mu but also his grandfather Mr. Gu sitting on the sofa.

Suddenly his body was shivering, and he almost didn't throw the food in his hand on the ground, and screamed tremblingly, "Grandpa!"

Elder Gu looked at Gu An holding a lot of vegetables in his hand, nodded in satisfaction, but still had a straight face, "You stinky boy, have you caused any trouble for Mu Yue?"

"No! No!" Gu An shook his head quickly, then turned to look at Mu Yue, cast a demanding look at her, don't say it!

Mu Yue smiled and threw the two bags he was carrying to Gu An, and said with a smile, "Gu Lao, you made a mistake today. Your grandson is very good today and helped me a lot. , No, give me something back!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Gu An breathed a sigh of relief in her heart and cast a grateful look at her.

To be honest, I was worried that Mu Yue would say bad things about him just now!

Sure enough, he was saving the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Grandpa Gu nodded in satisfaction, "That's all right, I am worried that he has done something bad, so I just come and have a look. Now that I hear you, I am relieved!"

After putting the dishes in the kitchen, Gu An ran out and complained to Old Man Gu aggrievedly, "Grandpa, what are you talking about! Am I not so relieved?"

"If you can have half of Mu Yue's, no, it's one-tenth, I'm already satisfied. Now that I've done nothing, I really think I'm great?" Old man Gu stared at Gu An with dissatisfaction, and said in a lesson.

Gu An shrank her neck, no matter how dare to challenge her grandfather, she could only close her mouth.

Mu Yue glanced at Gu An with a smile, and said empathetically, "Master Gu, it's too early. Why don't you eat at our house? It just so happens that I also bought a lot of food!"

"Okay, I'm here to eat your dinner!" Old man Gu laughed loudly. "I heard that your craftsmanship is very good. Even the medicinal food restaurant you opened is very good. eat!"

When the words fell, Gu An immediately nodded in agreement, "Yes, that's right, grandpa, the dishes in this medicinal restaurant are the best dishes I have ever eaten since I was a child, and everything in Quanjude is far behind. Up!"

"Huh?" Old man Gu looked up at Gu An.

Gu An smiled and sat beside him, and said, "Today I accompanied Mu Yue to the medicinal restaurant she built in Beijing. It will open soon, so Mu Yue went there to try those chefs. The craftsmanship is not enough, and I tried it too. It was really delicious. I ate two meals! I can't forget the taste!"

Without the resentment and estrangement from Mu Yue before, Gu An is now constantly complimenting Mu Yue, and he hasn't said what he said before, truly complimenting the medicinal restaurant.

When Grandpa Gu listened, he only felt a little magical, and the look in Mu Yue's eyes became different.

In the morning, Gu An was still unwilling to be the boss, and he hated Mu Yue, how come he listens to this, so he respects it so much?

What happened on this day changed this kid so much.

However, he was also very satisfied with the result, which also proved Mu Yue's ability. He did not misunderstand the wrong person and made the right decision.

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