Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2080: Old Qi's phone 3

Elder Gu gave an angry lesson to Gu An, "Since you know that Mu Yue is great, you should learn more with her. She is younger than you, and you are more accomplished and capable than you. You are such an adult, so you don’t feel embarrassed. ?"

Gu An touched his nose and muttered in his heart, is this comparable?

This is simply a wicked evildoer, not only has business acumen, but also has such a good skill, how can he compare it!

Mu Yue looked at Gu An's embarrassed appearance, and said with a smile, "Gu, since you are having dinner at my house, let me prepare it first!"

"Go, go, I came here specifically to taste your craft!" Old man Gu said with a smile, and then glared at Gu An again, "Hurry up and help!"

Gu An was very depressed and unwilling to stand up, "Oh!"

Watching Gu An enter the kitchen, Mr. Gu smiled and looked at Mr. Mu, and gave him a thumbs up, "This girl is really good, really amazing. In a day's work, let the stinky boy of my family obey her. Post!"

Yesterday, I was reluctant and bitter, but now he is obedient to Mu Yue's words, as if he was taught like a little sheep.

Mu Yue asked Gu An and the nanny to clean up for herself, and she took out the medicinal materials needed for medicated diet from her room. Of course, this was taken from the space, just borrowed a blind trick.

Dinner was almost ready, and his father Mu Haixuan also came home from get off work, just in time for dinner.

Seeing that Old Man Gu was there, although he was surprised, he quickly understood.

A group of people sat down at the dinner table, and Mu Yue poured a glass of medicinal wine for Mr. Gu and them.

Mr. Gu sipped a sip of the medicinal wine, "This wine is really good. I remember that I went to the banquet when Mu Yue came home. I also drank it. It really makes me have a lot of aftertaste! I still miss it!"

Mu Yue smiled and said, "I have already given Gu An some. Those are just brewed and have not been redeemed. You can always drink them when you take them back!"

When Grandpa Gu heard this, he nodded in satisfaction and couldn't help but praised Mu Haixuan, "Okay! Haixuan, you really have a good daughter!"

Mu Haixuan said with a smile, "This is Xiao Yue'er's own efforts, and it has nothing to do with me. I have never let her have a good day! Up to now, I have been busy with all kinds of things. Play!"

"You should be content, we old men still wish that our offspring could have the accomplishments of your daughter! Having such an accomplishment from scratch is even more powerful than our old fellows!" Old man Gu praised.

"Hahaha!" Mu Haixuan also laughed happily.

Gu Anke didn't care what they said over there. After taking a sip of the medicinal wine, he felt that although it was not as big as the one he had drunk before, it was not bad.

Then he picked up the chopsticks, moved directly to the dishes on the table, put it in his mouth, nodded like smashing garlic, "It's delicious! It's more delicious than the chefs in the medicinal restaurant!"

Grandpa Gu saw that Gu An had eaten it first, he just wanted to pick up his chopsticks and chopsticks to beat him severely. This was in someone else's house. How could he be reborn like a starving ghost? What a shame!

Mu Yue looked at Mr. Gu, who was a little angry and blowing his beard and staring, smiled, picked up his chopsticks and said to Mr. Gu, "Old Gu, come and **** craft, I'm not satisfied!"


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