Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2081: Old Qi's phone 4

Grandpa Gu picked up the chopsticks, picked it up, and tasted it. His eyes lighted up and he gave his thumbs up again, "It's delicious! Mu Yue really came out of the chat room and entered the chat kitchen! Whoever marries you in the future is his. Blessed!"

At this time, Mr. Gu felt very sorry that it was not his grandson who married Mu Yue.

And he also heard that Mu Yue and Xiao Lao's grandson had a marriage contract, and the two children got along pretty well, a little envious and jealous!

It is estimated that there is only Xiao Junyan who is worthy of Mu Yue in this world!

Although this person's personality is somewhat different, his abilities are beyond doubt, he is the best among the children in the entire capital, and most worthy of Mu Yue.

"Of course!" Mu Haixuan's tone was full of complacency.

In my heart, he cursed Xiao Junyan, this **** started so early.

Gu An didn't know that Mu Yue already had someone he liked at this time. He also subconsciously glanced at Mu Yue, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

Although he had a very good impression of Mu Yue, he was very self-aware and didn't have the guts to have that kind of thought for Mu Yue.

A joke, after marrying this woman, can he live well in the future?

It is estimated that in the end he was not old and dead, but was depressed and angry. It was Mu Yue that was too strong and always stepped on top of his head, making him feel that his face as a big man was going to be ashamed.

Naturally, he was also curious as to which man in this world could be worthy of Mu Yue, who could make this woman tempted.

Whether it is her family background or her own abilities, it is not something ordinary people can bear and deserve.

While everyone was eating, Mu Yue's cell phone rang, and it appeared that the ID showed that it was Qi Huailu Qi from Fushengtang.

Mu Yue quickly answered the phone, "Hey, hello, Mr. Qi, why would you call me!"

Old Qi smiled heartily and said, "You said that you will return to the capital in mid-July, so I will call to ask you, when will you be free? Let's talk! Last time you let it go. The pigeon of my old man!"

Hearing Qi Lao's ridicule, Mu Yue blushed immediately and quickly explained, "Qi, what happened last time, I'm really sorry, it's my fault, I have something tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, will you be free the day after tomorrow? ?"

"Yes!" After hearing this, Mr. Qi laughed again with satisfaction, "Then the day after tomorrow, I will tell some of my old friends about you, and they want to meet you too! They are all Chinese medicine The old doctor!"

Mu Yue nodded and said, "Well, where will you be then, tell me!"

"That's good, we have agreed, this time we can't let me dove!" Qi Lao reminded Mu Yue again.

Mu Yue nodded quickly, "Yes, I won't, please don't worry about Mr. Qi!"

"Okay!" Old Qi nodded, "Then I'll hang up, I will talk about this to my old friends!"

With that, Mr. Qi quickly hung up the phone, as if he really wanted to tell his old friend the news quickly.

Mu Yue also hung up the phone and continued to eat.

"You girl, you're back, and you run outside every day!" As soon as he heard that the day after tomorrow, Mu Yue was about to go out again, he suddenly got a little tasteful.

Although Mu Yue had come to the capital, she ran out every day without accompanying his old man.

Mu Yue suddenly touched her nose in embarrassment, "Grandpa, I will be at home the day after tomorrow, with you!"

Elder Mu also talked casually, and said helplessly, "Hmph, if you know you are busy, go and do your business!"

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