Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2082: Ate behind closed doors 1

Grandpa Gu was very satisfied with the medicinal liquor Mu Yue gave him, and directly sent his grandson Gu An to Mu Yue as a driver.

He also ordered Gu An to make Mu Yue satisfied, and then pat Mu Yue's flattery to see if he could get some more medicinal liquor back.

Gu An was immediately depressed. Did the old man sell him?

However, although depressed and depressed, he was willing to be a driver for Mu Yue and ran around.

In the two days following Mu Yue, Gu An also learned about Mu Yue's properties in the capital.

For example, the office building that has been under construction now, the large office building with more than 20 floors, Mu Yue said that it will be the office building of his Longteng Group from then on.

This is definitely a big deal. Gu An couldn't help but shook his head and sighed in admiration.

Then, in the afternoon, I went to the branch factories of Longxiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Dream Cosmetics Co., Ltd. built in Beijing by Mu Yue.

Although the factory still belongs to the suburbs, it is also very impressive.

The factory has begun to take shape. From the outside, it can be seen that the factory is very large, and a residential area has been built around it. Although it is not as fast as the factory, it is not slow.

In two days, Gu An's impression of Mu Yue changed and deepened again.

When leaving the factory site, Gu An was still a little confused. It was really Mu Yue's shock to him.

A girl who is only eighteen years old has already created such a large company and still has such a big hand. How did she do it?

Mu Yue was also sitting in the car, looking at the outside environment, her thoughts drifted away, she didn't know what she was thinking.

At this time, the phone rang.

Mu Yue took out his mobile phone and opened it. It was Qi Lao's phone and put it in his ear, "Hey, Qi Lao!"

Old Qi's laughter came from the phone, "Miss Mu, at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, Haiyun Pavilion, do you have time?"

"Nine o'clock Haiyun Pavilion? Yes!" Mu Yue nodded.

After receiving Mu Yue's answer, Qi Lao was even more happy, and said expectantly, "Well, we will see you or leave!"

"Yeah! See you or leave!" Mu Yue hung up the phone and let out a deep breath.

Gu An, who was driving, heard Mu Yue's phone call and asked suspiciously, "Tomorrow you are going to Haiyun Pavilion?"

"What? Don't you have time?" Mu Yue raised her eyes and looked at Gu An.

Gu An shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't have time, but this Haiyun Pavilion, not everyone can enter. Are you sure you can enter?"

Mu Yue raised her eyebrows and looked at Gu An, "What do you mean? Can you not even enter the Haiyun Pavilion?"

The ridiculed Gu An curled his lips and said, "I don't want to go to that kind of place. Although I can't get in, Haiyun Pavilion is a club run by scholars. It can only be achieved in a certain academic field. After passing the review, you can join Haiyun Pavilion. Of course, this is in addition to the business, military and political circles!"

"In other words, is that the club where the scholars gather?" Mu Yue raised her eyebrows and asked with a slightly interesting tone.

Gu An nodded approvingly, "It can be said that there are almost all old guys in there, who know how to dance and make ink every day! Those of us who are second-generation officials and rich second-generation, don't even want to go in, we all have to shut our doors!"

Mu Yue still asked curiously, "Aren't you all resisting?"

Gu An shook his head and explained, "Don't dare, some of them have a good relationship with the old people above, how dare we mess with them!"

"Ha ha ha, don't you? Then I really want to take a look!" Mu Yue laughed, and said with a slightly expectant tone.

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