Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2084: Ate behind closed doors 3

Mu Yue saw that Gu An was about to fight with them, and quickly raised his hand to stop him, "Don't move yet!"

Gu An heard this and turned his head in dissatisfaction and said, "Obviously someone asked you to come, but now is not letting you in. What is the reason? Who is the person who asked you? Did you deliberately embarrass you and embarrass you? !"

"Don't get angry, I'll call and ask!" Mu Yue helplessly persuaded Gu An, who was almost furious.

At the same time, in Haiyun Pavilion, in a pavilion, seven or eight elderly people were sitting.

An old man was holding a book and watching, there were also two old people playing chess face to face, there were also old people watching them play chess, and there were old people practicing calligraphy at the desk, doing their own things.

At this moment, an old man looked at his watch and asked, "Old Qi! Why hasn't the girl you talked about here yet? The last time you let go of your pigeons, shouldn't you let us also let us pigeons? This is not good!"

"Probably not, I think that girl has good character!" Qi Lao looked at his watch in confusion, and spoke for Mu Yue.

An old man who had written a good word came over and asked in a slightly unhappy tone, "Then why haven't you come now?"

For these old people, since they have promised the time, they have to abide by it, but the time is about to come, but it hasn't come yet, and they have to wait for these old people. This junior is too impolite.

After listening to this, Mr. Qi knew that these old friends were angry, and quickly took out his mobile phone, "Don't worry, I'll call and ask!"

He said that he was about to make a call, but at this time, the cell phone that Qi Lao was holding rang, and it seemed that the phone was Mu Yue's, and he smiled and said, "That girl's!"

After speaking, he connected to Mu Yue's phone, "Hey, Miss Mu, why haven't you come yet?"

Mu Yue said helplessly when he heard Qi Lao's words, "Qi Lao, I can't enter this Haiyun Pavilion. I can say that the security guards won't let me in. I'm still outside. You must be in this sea. Yunge?"

The soundproofing effect of Qi Lao's phone is not so good, and all the old people present have heard it.

"What? Didn't you give her the signature slip?" an old man asked puzzledly.

Old Qi suddenly patted his head, took out the signature slip from his pocket, and said depressedly, "Oh, look at me, this man is old, he has to forget everything, I forget it when I am happy!"

"You old fellow!" Hearing Qi Lao's explanation, several old men stared at him dissatisfied.

Well, they are complaining here that the girl is late and not punctual.

It turned out that this girl couldn't get in at all, and she stayed outside all the time!

This makes them all can't help but blush, after all, they have misunderstood other people's girls!

"Wait, I'll come out right away!" Qi Lao hung up the phone quickly, smiled awkwardly, and said comfortingly to everyone, "It's all my fault, you are waiting here, I will come when I go!"

Seeing the back of Qi Lao leaving, everyone looked at each other and shook their heads with a helpless smile, "This Lao Qi! I thought that girl was not punctual! So she couldn't get in!"

I just thought that Mu Yue was not punctual, instead of blushing because of not being able to get in.

An old man waved his hand, shook his head helplessly and said, "Forget it, we have misunderstood this time! Don't say it later!"

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