Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2085: Xuanyimen's direct biography 1

Old Qi hurried out of Haiyun Pavilion and saw Mu Yue and Gu An standing at the door. An awkward smile appeared on his faces. He quickly handed his signature slip to the security guards standing at the door, "Look at it. Well, we invited Miss Mu to come!"

Mu Yue watched Qi Lao come out, and finally knew that he had made no mistake, "Qi Lao, you can be regarded as coming out!"

Elder Qi could only show an awkward smile, walked in front of Mu Yue, and explained guiltily, "Hahaha, sorry, Miss Mu, I am old and useless. I forgot to give you an autograph. There is only You can enter with the signature slips of a few of our old guys!"

"You don't always talk to me, which made me shut the door!" Mu Yue said a little displeased.

Mr. Qi quickly apologized, "I'm old and old, I forgot to forget! I won't be anymore next time, hurry in, everyone is waiting for you!"

Mu Yue nodded lightly, then turned to look at the security guards, "Can I go in?"

The security guard looked at Mu Yue and quickly smiled, and reached out to confess, "I'm really sorry, Miss Mu, this is our rule!"

"That's good!" Mu Yue nodded, and followed Mr. Qi into the Haiyun Pavilion.

Gu An was also unobstructed and was put in, followed behind Mu Yue, looking around curiously.

He has never been to Haiyun Pavilion. It should be said that there are probably not a few of the entire second generation of capital officials and rich second generation who have been to Haiyun Pavilion.

It's really those people who are just that kind of stuff, and they are not qualified to enter it.

Gu An shook his head and sighed, "This is Haiyun Pavilion, it's really different!"

It is worthy of the place for literati scholars. It is not the same as the clubs they go to. Those are pure play and status-oriented, but here is full of antiquity, suitable for literati scholars to communicate here.

Old Qi looked at Gu An who was following Mu Yue, and asked, "He is?"

Mu Yue explained with a smile, "He is my friend, named Gu An. He has been a driver for me recently, so ignore him!"

"Oh!" Qi Lao nodded. Although Gu An was dressed like a dog, with a brand-name brand, Qi Lao didn't know him and didn't say anything.

For these people, people with money and power can't get into their eyes at all. They only pay attention to those who are capable and knowledgeable.

Mu Yue followed Qi Lao into a water pavilion, and there were a few old people with gray hair sitting in it.

Elder Qi walked in with Mu Yue, and said with a smile, "I brought people here! This is the Mu Yue that I mentioned to you, little friend Mu!"

Mu Yue walked to the front of the old people and bowed a junior salute.

Several old people saw Mu Yue holding his fists in his hands and gave them a gift from the younger generation of doctors, all of which were bright.

In an instant, a thought flashed through the minds of several people, she was a younger generation of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Hahaha, Xiaoyou Mu, let me introduce to you, this is the president of the Chinese Medicine Association, Chen Yukun!" Qi Lao pulled Mu Yue and smiled and introduced him to the old man in Tang suit.

"I have seen Mr. Chen!" Mu Yue saluted again, with a modest and polite manner.

Old Chen smiled and nodded, and touched his beard with satisfaction, "Good, good! It really is a hero who was born as a boy!"

Qi Laoyou smiled and introduced other old people to Mu Yue.

Almost all the seniors gathered here are seniors in the TCM circle.

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