Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2092: Gu's invitation 1

Gu An ate Mu Yue's dinner at Mu's house again, and he went home with his stomach, still hiccups in his mouth.

Elder Gu watched Gu An collapse on the sofa, touched his somewhat braced stomach, and cast an angry look, "Shame!"

Gu An curled his lips, opened his eyes and took a look at Old Man Gu, "Grandpa, don't talk about me, let's be half a cat!"

Yesterday, whoever ate at Mu's house and stayed home. He couldn't eat anymore and couldn't move.

Old man Gu blushed and snorted coldly, "Where have you been?"

Hearing Grandpa Gu’s question, Gu An smiled and sat up and said, “Grandpa, we went to Haiyun Pavilion today. Do you know what I heard over there?”

"What did you hear?" Mr. Gu also heard Mu Yue's call yesterday and knew that she was going to Haiyun Pavilion.

But now Gu An talked about other different news, and looked at Gu An puzzled.

Gu An smiled happily, and sat beside him, and said, "I just learned today that Mu Yue still has a master, and the sect where the master belongs, that can be said to be a famous sect!"

"Famous?" Mr. Gu looked at Gu An with some confusion and curiosity, "What are you talking about, what is the famous?"

Gu An asked Old Man Gu with a smile, "Mysterious doctor, Grandpa, have you ever heard of it?"

Elder Gu thought for a while and shook his head, "I haven't heard of it!"

"Then you should have heard of Guiguzi, Sun Simiao, Yuan Tiangang, right?" Gu An was excited and said to Old Man Gu, "I heard those old guys from Haiyun Pavilion say that this metaphysical school was once again a famous historical figure. , All belong to this school! They are!"

"Guiguzi! Sun Simiao! Yuan Tiangang!" Mr. Gu muttered to himself, exclaiming in his heart.

Gu An shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "These are just some of the celebrities they talked about. I don't know about the others. I feel like listening to the heavenly scriptures after listening to them. I don’t know what it is!"

Alas, now he regrets that he really didn't learn anything before, and he wandered around everywhere, and then now, Mu Yue and the others don't know what they say, just like listening to them speak foreign languages.

Elder Gu nodded gently, and let out a sulky breath, "No matter what, you still have to deal with Mu Yue in the future!"

"I see!" Gu An nodded, his body softened, and he collapsed on the sofa.

Elder Gu turned his head and glanced at Gu An, and suddenly slapped him on the thigh, "Get up!"

Gu An squinted his eyes and glanced at Old Man Gu, his face full of depression and helplessness, "Grandpa, what are you doing, I'm exhausted! I'm going to bed! I'm exhausted when I wake up early today!"

As he spoke, he squatted his body, hung his hands, and swayed towards the stairs lazily.

Elder Gu said, "The day after tomorrow is your sister's birthday, please invite Mu Yue to see if she is willing to participate!"

The tired Gu An turned his head and looked at Old Man Gu, "What are you doing? I don't even bother to attend the birthday party of that girl's nonsense, and I want me to bring Mu Yue!"

"I will let the younger generation of Gu's family communicate with Mu Yue more. You will take Mu Yue tomorrow and let your sister get in touch with her more!" Father Gu refused to allow Gu An to refuse the command.

Gu An scratched his head and replied weakly, "Okay, I see..."

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