Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2093: Gu's invitation 2

Gu An called and invited Mu Yue to attend her sister's birthday party. Mu Yue originally planned to refuse, but was stopped by Elder Mu, and finally could only agree.

"Grandpa, didn't you say let me accompany you? Why did you let me go out?" Mu Yue hung up the phone and asked Father Mu with a smile.

Elder Mu smiled and said, "What can I do with the old man? Go and play. Grandpa should be fine alone. Hang out with those young people more!"

"It's okay, I can stay with Grandpa!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

"Go out and play more with the young people in the capital. Don’t you want to move the company headquarters to the capital? These people will be your contacts in the future, and their parents will have a certain status. They communicate more!" Elder Mu said to Mu Yue with a smile.

Although Mr. Mu did not hear the words of Mr. Gu and Gu An, he has been in politics for half his life.

It was still clear to the little Jiujiu that Old Man Gu was hitting in his heart.

He wanted to draw closer the relationship between them and Mu Yue through the relationship between the young three generations, as well as the relationship between the Mu family, and he could refuse to prevent such benefits and readily accepted.

Mu Yue nodded when listening to what Elder Mu said, "Well, I see, Grandpa!"

Mu Yue immediately understood the meaning of Mr. Mu's words.

In this capital city, out of ten people walking on the street, five or six are people with a certain status in the family.

Since you are in the capital, you have to have contacts.

Although there is the Mu family behind Mu Yue, she can't always rely on the Mu family, she always has to pull an alliance or something for the Mu family.

For example, it is the Gu family. In the past, the Gu family did not want to interact with the Hua family's Gan family and Mu family because they belonged to different alliances.

However, now because of her appearance, Gu An has been saved, and Father Gu is willing to move the Gu family's power closer to their Mu family, which has greatly increased the Mu family's power recently.

Although Mu Yue seldom pays attention to these situations, she still knows a little bit.

Now that Mr. Mu has said, Mu Yue also knows that since she is back, she should go out to communicate with others, not only for the Mu family, but also for her own future contacts, she must go out.

"Well, it really is a good boy! It's all right!" Seeing Mu Yue's clear expression, Mr. Mu also smiled, this boy is really smart.

The choice of her own son was correct. If Hua Fengjun was chosen, it is estimated that the son or daughter they gave birth to has nothing to make her proud of.

It's okay if you don't marry. Now the center of the whole Mu's family is gradually moving closer to Mu Yue. In the future, their Mu's family, maybe, will depend on Mu Yue's rise and fall.

He is old and hasn't been alive for many years. Many families have become depressed because of the fall of the old man, but their Mu family is different.

As long as Mu Yue exists, their Mu family will not fall.

"That is, don't look at who I am or whose granddaughter is, right?" Mu Yue smiled and blinked at Mr. Mu, her tone a bit mischievous.

Since she went home, she would never let the Mu family fall like this. She would make the Mu family better and better than before, and no one would dare to look down on them or bully them in the future.

Mr. Mu suddenly let out a burst of open laughter, and there was a burst of comfort in his heart. With a granddaughter like this, he can stare at him even if he is dead, "Hahaha, that is..."

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