Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2102: He Li's Revenge 1

Mu Yue left so quickly, not because of time, but because of Wei Xiaolin and the others who left.

She didn't plan to have any follow-ups on this matter, she just wanted to solve it all at once.

It's just that sometimes, she wants to solve this matter, but it is not so easy, but she heard what Wei Xiaolin said to He Li, that is, waiting for the autumn to settle the accounts!

She is not a person who likes to be beaten passively, so immediately after returning, let her Dragon Shield Security Company to monitor Wei Xiaolin and the others, and know how they will retaliate against her.

Just as Mu Yue thought in his heart, Wei Xiaolin took He Li to the hospital for a look first, and treated the wound.

After the treatment, He Li returned to the villa where he lived, and just kicked over the coffee table in front of him.

"Madan, bitch, I am at odds with you!" He Li scolded angrily.

Wei Xiaolin looked at the coffee table knocked over by He Li, walked to the sofa and sat down, "This Mu Yue is not an ordinary girl, behind her is the whole Mu family!"

He Li angrily sat on the sofa and cursed, "Could I just let Lao Tzu suffer from this boring loss? He also lost a million! A million!"

Although He Li has money, he is also very painful for losing so much money inexplicably.

"What do you want to do then?" Wei Xiaolin squinted his eyes and looked at He Li, "He Shao, do you think you can fight Mu Yue with your ability?"

He Li even cursed when he heard Wei Xiaolin's words. He was not a fool, so naturally he knew that he was definitely not capable of Mu Yue.

However, it is absolutely impossible for him to suffer such a sorrowful loss, and he must find it back.

Seeing He Li and Wei Xiaolin as discouraged balls, the bodyguard standing aside hesitated and said, "He Shao, in fact, sometimes, it does not necessarily require any force or power to deal with people!"

He Li and Wei Xiaolin both raised their heads and looked at him when he heard the bodyguard's words.

He Li looked at the bodyguard in confusion, and asked, "What do you mean?"

The bodyguard showed a sly smile on his face and said, "He Shao, you are a member of the South Korean consortium, are you planning to invest in China? If you tell the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country about your being beaten , Let them hold Mu Yue’s responsibility. If you don’t agree, you will withdraw your capital and stop investing. Isn’t that okay? And your injury is a proof!"

When Wei Xiaolin heard what the bodyguard said, he immediately understood, "Are you planning to force the palace?"

This bodyguard is from China, so he naturally knew what Wei Xiaolin meant and nodded, "Yes!"

He Li heard the bodyguard's words, and immediately patted his thigh, a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes, "Okay, just do it, dare to hit me! I will make you pay a painful price!"

At this time, He Li and Wei Xiaolin didn't know yet, at the point where they were sitting on the sofa, another small black box was shining red light, monitoring everything.

To find out where He Li lives now, for the intelligence personnel of the current Dragon Shield Security Company, it is simply a breeze, and it can be done in minutes.

Therefore, when Wei Xiaolin took He Li to the hospital, they had already sent people to install bugs in hidden corners around the villa where He Li lived, so as to make it easier for them to monitor.

They didn't expect that He Li and the others would find a way to deal with Mu Yue when they were so fast.

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