Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2103: He Li's Revenge 2

When Mu Yue received the news, she just sneered and ordered to the people over there, "You can investigate, there is no monitor in our club, especially where I hit that guy!"

"Yes!" Hearing Mu Yue's order, the intelligence officer over there hung up the phone and quickly ordered someone to investigate.

As long as the monitoring is there, there should be absolutely no problem.

She seldom goes to clubs in the capital, because she has to build a medicinal restaurant, and she also made a lot of reference.

As for the club that Gu An invited her to, he also knew that the security work done by this club was very good.

In her memory, the club's surveillance was also inside, so she asked them to investigate.

If you want to retaliate against Mu Yue, you can't act immediately with a single thought. Wei Xiaolin and He Li discussed a lot of things to determine the way to retaliate, and then they approached the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After all, since I've found it, I can't let Mu Yue grasp any handle. Moreover, this matter must be known to the whole country and even the whole world.

In this way, Mu Yue and Mu's family can be pressured by outside public opinion and must pay a price.

At this moment, Mu Yue was at Mu Jia, and his subordinates sent investigation materials. Father Mu took a curious look, "What's the matter?"

Mu Yue smiled and told Mr. Mu what happened to him in the club.

When Mr. Mu heard this, he immediately slapped the chessboard in front of him angrily, "Bastard! Basthead thing! Even if he did such a shameful thing, he still has to get revenge!"

His baby granddaughter was molested, his old man was naturally extremely angry and angry when he heard it.

After Mu Yue taught them a lesson, not only did she not reflect, she even wanted to retaliate, which really made her old man even more angry and angry.

"Grandpa, don't be angry, I have enough evidence to fight back!" A confident smile appeared on the corner of Mu Yue's mouth, comforting Grandpa Mu.

After listening to Mu Yue's comfort, Mr. Mu nodded in satisfaction, "Well, how sure are you?"

Mu Yue smiled and compared a ten, "Ten ten, the scene of that guy molesting me was captured by surveillance. Although I can't hear the content, I can still be determined by those lip language experts. What did he say to me at that time, as long as the identification is that he insulted me first, then I am self-defense!"

Only then did Mr. Mu nodded his head in satisfaction, "Hahaha, well, you deserve to be the old man my precious granddaughter, you are so sure of doing things!"

"Of course, don't look at who I am?" Mu Yue's mouth showed a smug smile.

Had it not been for this monitoring content, she would not have done so.

She would choose another way to deal with Wei Xiaolin and He Li. She would approach them directly and show them their monitoring content.

Although, doing so will let them know that there are monitors in this villa, but it can also threaten them.

As long as they act according to the plan, she will release the contents of the listener, and then it will be their own bad luck.

I believe that they should be reluctant to retaliate against her through this method, and can only use other methods.

This time it can only be considered that they have fallen to the blood mold, because no monitoring is the best result for them.

However, after monitoring again, they will die worse than without monitoring.

Because this will pay more than just a little price, it is estimated that even their country and family will have to be implicated.

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