Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2104: He Li's Revenge 3

Mu Yue had already prepared the evidence and waited for the development of this matter with Mr. Mu.

Of course, this matter was also discussed with Mu Haihua, who is a senior in the political world at home, to let him know about this matter first, and then be able to react in time.

Mu Haihua could only shook his head with a wry smile for Mu Yue's methods of harming others.

The matter, He Li and Wei Xiaolin's plan, finally implemented.

This time they did not just make a little bit of news. They invited reporters, not just Huaxia Kingdom, but even South Korea. They directly asked them to do a special reporter interview with He Li Neng.

Various certificates issued by hospital doctors are also listed.

I don't know if He Li really meant to break the boat. He even hit his face twice, with bruises on the corners of his mouth and torn lips. It was a miserable appearance.

In this way, if there is no surveillance video, it is estimated that Mu Yue would really be miserable. However, with the surveillance video as evidence, his face is definitely not that miserable.

After the surveillance video was released, the first face injury and the false report certified by the hospital, creating injuries and slandering Mu Yue, were enough for He Li to drink a pot.

It's a pity that neither He Li nor Wei Xiaolin now knows how stupid what they have done.

After the press conference, Mu Yue got the first-hand information video. Among those reporters, people with her were sent to her immediately after the filming.

Elder Mu looked at the people on the TV, snorted coldly, and became even more angry, "You bastard, you slander Xiao Yueer so much!"

Mu Yue smiled and gently patted Mr. Mu on the back, softly comforting, "Grandpa, don't be angry, there are so many things they are doing now, and when the time comes, how miserable they will die!"

"I know, but I just can't bear to see these two **** slander you!" Elder Mu nodded, but said in dissatisfaction and angrily.

The corners of Mu Yue's lips raised slightly, revealing a confident sneer, "Don't worry, grandpa, this time, if I don't let them peel off, I won't be your granddaughter!"

"Not only need to take off one layer, I want to take off all their skins, and forbid them to invest in China!" Elder Mu snorted and said angrily.

Mu Yue also laughed, agreeing with Mr. Mu's thoughts, "Hehehe, Grandpa, this is a good idea, even if it comes, I have to let them throw a **** again!"

Although this news was launched temporarily, it also appeared in the newspaper at night and made headlines.

Although this kind of thing is detrimental to the face of the country, but this is also interspersed with South Korea, and it is directly on the South Korean news.

It was also after the Korean news was first broadcast, the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs questioned China on the second day, and must have an answer, and severely punished those who beat He Li.

As soon as the news was broadcast, domestic news was also reported, pushing Mu Yue to the forefront.

Knowing what happened that day, Gu An directly threw the remote control to the ground, "Madan, Wei Xiaolin! He Li! Despicable villain!"

Seeing Gu An's appearance, Old Man Gu frowned and asked, "Do you know what?"

Hearing the question, Gu An naturally told the matter to Grandpa Gu.

After Grandpa Gu listened, he looked at Gu An with dissatisfaction, and it seemed that this stinky boy was the fault.

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