Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2105: He Li's Revenge 4

When Grandpa Gu knew the news, he came to Mu's house for the first time.

However, when I came to Mu's house, I saw Mu Yue and Mr. Mu playing chess and chatting happily, as if they didn't know anything about what was happening outside.

However, Mr. Gu glanced at the content on the TV, and he was even more puzzled. What the **** was going on!

He could see the conspiracy in this, how could Father Mu not know?

"Oh, old Gu, why are you here?" When Mr. Mu saw his arrival, his face was still a little surprised.

Father Gu walked to the sofa, pointed to the TV, and said, "Lao Mu, don't you fail to hear the contents of this TV?"

"I heard it, just jumping the beam clown!" Elder Mu nodded, but said disdainfully.

Elder Gu said with some disapproval, "Lao Mu, this matter can't be underestimated, it involves the country's plan to attract foreign investment!"

Now that the country is in a period of development, there are many policies for foreign investment attraction.

However, the sudden occurrence of such a situation is still very important to their country.

On the TV, Mu Yue's name and identity were even named, but it was not named Mu's family, but that he was the chairman of Longteng Group.

However, anyone who knows Mu Yue's identity knows that this is against the Mu family!

Elder Mu glanced at the worried look of Elder Gu, with a meaningful smile, "Lao Gu, your concern for my granddaughter, I know, don't worry about this matter!"

Mu Yue knew what Elder Gu said. He was worried about himself. He smiled and comforted Elder Gu, "Old Gu, don't worry about this matter, I've already prepared again!"

"Prepare?" Hearing Mu Yue's words, Grandpa Gu was instantly stunned, but he was even more puzzled, "What preparations?"

Mu Yue glanced at the TV. The South Korean side was jumping up and down, and there was a wonderful scene. "Since Gu, you know this, you should also learn about what happened that day from Gu An's mouth. But maybe you don’t know Mr. Gu. What happened between me and He Li was recorded by surveillance, and his molesting of me was included in surveillance!”

Hearing Mu Yue's explanation, Mr. Gu was stunned again, and then there was a burst of laughter, "It turned out to be like this!"

Elder Mu snorted coldly, and said proudly, "No, how could we play chess here so leisurely?"

"Then you want to clarify?" Elder Gu ignored Elder Mu's pride and asked Mu Yue with concern.

The corners of Mu Yue's lips rose slightly and said, "If you don't die, you won't die. When things get to the highest point, I will stand up again. I have to let them get rid of a few layers of skin fiercely!"

Looking at the sly smile on Mu Yue's face, Old Man Gu couldn't help but tremble.

I don't know why, when he faced Mu Yue's smile, he felt flustered.

"Ha ha ha... okay, okay!" In the end, Mr. Gu could only show an appreciative smile and gave Mu Yue a thumbs up, "They must pay the price!"

Now that he received Mu Yue's soothing answer, Mr. Gu didn't worry any more. I believe that Mu Yue will take care of this matter.

"However, thank you for your concern, Mr. Gu!" Mu Yue smiled and said to Mr. Gu gratefully.

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