Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2116: Xiao Junyan returns to Beijing 3

When Ye Tianming heard what Xiao Junyan said, he couldn't help but curl his lips. When he was on the plane just now, he just ignored the dinner on the plane, and his feelings were for Mu Yue, and he planned to let her personally. Do it?

"Hey, junior sister, I want too, you can't favor one another, the boss and I came together, and I didn't eat it!" Ye Tianming quickly reminded Mu Yue with a smile.

Mu Yue glared at Ye Tianming angrily, "Nothing for you!"

"Proud!" Ye Tianming suddenly let out a pitiful howl, "Little Junior Sister, how can you do this? How can you treat me so unrelentingly? Ah, heaven, earth! How can you be so cruel to me!"

Mu Yue watched Ye Tianming playing treasures aside, and couldn't help but drip black lines and drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

Then he glanced at Xiao Junyan suspiciously, and then at Ye Tianming.

She wondered why Xiao Junyan, such a cold person, had such a good relationship with Ye Tianming? It's so puzzling.

Yes, when Ye Tianming is not serious, he is a hooligan, and a rascal plus a tease will always make people dumbfounded by him.

In the end, Mu Yue, like Xiao Junyan, chose to ignore him and said with a smile, "Brother Xiao, there are still some dishes in the refrigerator. I'll cook a bowl of noodles for you!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, and followed Mu Yue to the kitchen.

Ye Tianming watched Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan enter the kitchen and sat on the sofa. He believed that even if he didn't go in to remind him, Mu Yue would definitely get him a bowl.

Indeed, just as Ye Tianming had thought, Mu Yue did get an extra and prepared to give it to Ye Tianming.

"Hey, Mu Lao, Mu Wushu! How are you guys!" Ye Tianming smiled and greeted Lao Mu and the others.

Mu Haixuan asked Ye Tianming angrily, "Why did you two brats come to the capital? Isn't your old man not letting you come back?"

Ye Tianming said with a smile, "Of course I came to see Junior Sister. I heard that the younger Junior Sister was bullied recently. The boss was very worried, so we went back to the capital to take a look. If there is anything we need to help, please give it a hand!"

"Hmph, is our Mu family better than that stinky boy? Need him to be a hand?" Mu Haixuan suddenly became unhappy when he heard it, and exclaimed in dissatisfaction.

Ye Tianming screamed bad in his heart instantly, isn't this offending Mu Haixuan?

"Hehehe, how come? I just care about it, yes, just care about it! It's really nothing!" Ye Tianming quickly explained with a smile, "Everyone cares about Mu Yue, and the relationship between friends is also a must!"

Mu Haixuan glanced at Ye Tianming, had nothing to refute, and stopped talking.

In the kitchen, Mu Yue asked Xiao Junyan who was waiting for the water to boil while cooking, "Brother Xiao, will you go back after you eat it?"

Xiao Junyan turned his head and looked at Mu Yue with pitch-black eyes, his eyes seemed to be hurt a bit, he didn't want to leave so quickly.

"Go back as soon as possible, you always run to me, I guess you will be gossiped!" Mu Yue was helpless by Xiao Junyan's eyes, comforting him, "Moreover, since you have come to the capital, you should not go back so soon. ?"

"Well, take a break, three days!" Xiao Junyan nodded.

"That's not enough, we will go out together tomorrow!" Mu Yue smiled and blinked at Xiao Junyan.

"it is good!"

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