Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2117: Xiao Junyan returns to Beijing 4

When Xiao Junyan came back, he naturally wanted to live at home.

When I got home, it was already a bit late, and Father Xiao was planning to go back to his room to sleep!

Suddenly saw Xiao Junyan come back, with a surprised expression on his face, "Why are you back?"

It seems that now that Xiao Junyan suddenly returns home, Mr. Xiao is very surprised.

If it were replaced with the previous one, Xiao Junyan would go home once, he would be very happy, with a bright smile on his old face.

But at this moment, listening to the meaning of Old Man Xiao's words, it seemed as if he despised him for coming back.

Xiao Junyan raised his head and called to Old Man Xiao, "Grandpa!"

"How come your kid?" Old man Xiao always didn't answer his own questions to Xiao Junyan. He was used to it and asked him again.

"Look Yue!" Xiao Junyan said two words, it was so natural.

When Mr. Xiao heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he stared, "Have you been to the Mu's house?"

At this moment, I don't know why, Mr. Xiao has a kind of father to raise a fake grandson by himself, but raises a daughter!

The first person I saw when I came back was not their family members, but they actually met Mu Yue first.

This elbow is turned out, is it his grandson?

Before, he was still looking forward to when Xiao Junyan could take a girl home, so that his elderly could feel at ease.

But now, his old man is a little depressed by the reality.

This stinky boy is now full of that girl, who really raises a white-eyed wolf.

Xiao Junyan didn't lie either, and nodded, "Yeah!"

The corners of the eyes and the corners of his mouth were twitching when he got the answer. Sure enough, this grandson turned his elbow out.

"You run to Mu's house every day, should you take the little girl to our Xiao's house once!" Old man Xiao complained to Xiao Junyan somewhat steadily.

His grandma's, this stinky boy ran to Xiao's house all day, so he didn't know how to bring this girl to their Xiao's house! His old man has really seen that girl until now!

I've seen it in newspaper photos before, so I didn't really face-to-face. This really made his elderly very upset.

Xiao Junyan pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Okay!"

"Hahaha, okay, this is what you said, tomorrow you will come to our house with a girl!" Old man Xiao happily said to Xiao Junyan and ordered, "If you don't bring it, don't blame me for denying you this grandson! "

"What?" Tang Yalan, who walked downstairs, heard the voice of Elder Xiao, walked down curiously, and saw Xiao Junyan coming back with a surprised look on her face, "Son, why are you back?"

Old man Xiao smiled and said to Tang Yalan, "I will let this stinky boy take the girl he likes home tomorrow, what do you think?"

When Tang Yalan heard this, she immediately clapped her hands and applauded, "Okay, okay, I haven't really met that girl face to face yet!"

Xiao Junyan frowned and said, "Too hasty!"

"Why is it in a hurry? Not in a hurry!" Tang Yalan glared at Xiao Junyan, "you just need to bring her here, you don't need to bring anything else, just meet up, have a meal, and mom will cook a meal for her. !"

"Yes, you must bring it tomorrow!" Old man Xiao nodded in agreement, and threatened him without giving Xiao Junyan a chance to object, "If you don't bring it, I will go to Mu's house and cancel the marriage contract between you and the girl!"

"it is good!"

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