Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2118: Xiao Junyan returns to Beijing 5

Early the next morning, it was not Xiao Junyan who came to Mu's house first, but Gu Lao and Gu An.

As for Xiao Junyan, he drove Tang Yalan and Xiao Fengyi to the food market. For nothing else, he just asked Xiao Junyan what Mu Yue likes to eat and buy more.

After buying the food, let him go to Mu's house and bring Mu Yue to their Xiao's house.

Elder Gu and Elder Mu were sitting face to face, with the chessboard in their hands, and they said in their mouths, "Ah, I didn't expect that this time the matter should be solved so quickly, Mu Yue, this girl. It's really amazing!"

When he said this, Mr. Gu's tone was sour, and there were all kinds of envy and jealousy!

Why is he not so good, such a great grandson or granddaughter?

Although he is full of children and grandchildren, but so many add up to no more than a Mu Yue.

If he can, he really hopes to exchange so many of his grandchildren for a Mu Yue, as long as such a granddaughter, his old man will be smiling even when he is dead.

Elder Mu laughed loudly, "Of course, if you are not a little more powerful, how can you start such a big company, and how can you bring back your grandson who stepped into the ghost gate!"

The more Father Gu listened, the more sour his heart became, and he turned his head and glared at Gu An, who was turning to him.

Gu An, who was eating the fruit, was glared at by Old Man Gu, and blinked innocently. What's up with him?

Mu Yue brought some washed fruits and walked over, and put them next to Mr. Mu and Mr. Gu.

Elder Mu smiled and took a grape and ate it directly, "It's so sweet!"

Elder Gu also took one directly and ate it, muttering, "Why are your fruits better than ours? And they are so sweet!"

"Hmph, that's of course, but Xiao Yueer personally bought this, personally selected it!" Elder Mu proudly showed off to Elder Gu.

Mu Yue lowered his head and smiled as he listened to what Elder Mu said to show off.

Although she used the excuse to go out to buy fruit every time, she took these fruits out of her own space.

The fruits planted in the space are not comparable to those sold in the fruit shops outside.

These fruits are more nutritious than the ones outside, and can strengthen your body. Recently, Mr. Mu has been eating fruits and feels like his body is like a young man, except that his appearance and hair look like an old man. .

"If you like to eat Gu Lao, you can take some back, I buy more!" Mu Yue said to Lao Gu with a smile.

She also knew that the younger generations of these big families had no ability to support the whole family by relying on the old man.

And now Father Gu is clearly standing in the camp of their Mu family. In order to bring some resources to his family, Mu Yue would not mind giving them some fruits to eat, so that the old man will be healthier.

Although she has superb medical skills, these old men still need to take good care of their bodies in order to truly live a long life.

When Grandpa Gu heard this, he nodded happily immediately, "Hahaha, great! Give me more!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded, "Then I will install some for you!"

Before Mu Yue could go to the kitchen, the doorbell rang.

Mr. Gu, who was eating the fruit, mumbled, "There are so many people today!"

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