Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2123: Beautiful wife enters Xiao's house 5

Xiao Junyan drove the car and took Mu Yue to the outside of the Xiao family compound. At this time, Mu Yue was very worried.

Although I've seen someone from the Xiao family last time, Mu Yue still couldn't help but worry.

After all, this is the first time he has been to Xiao Junyan's house.

Xiao Junyan got out of the car and helped Mu Yue open the door. Looking at him who was still sitting in the car, a thick smile flashed in his eyes.

Not afraid of the sky and the earth, Mu Yue, who was in trouble everywhere, actually flinched at this time.

Mu Yue glanced around, then cast her gaze towards Xiao Junyan, unfastened her seat belt, and got out of the car.

"Take a gift!" Mu Yue reminded Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan nodded, opened it and acted, took out all the tea and medicinal liquor placed on it, and carried it in his hand, "Go in, grandpa they are waiting for you!"

A blush appeared on Mu Yue's cheeks and followed Xiao Junyan's footsteps into the courtyard.

Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin, who had been paying attention to the outside situation, excitedly opened the door.

Du Xueqin and the others would be here because Xiao Fengyi revealed it to her, but they didn't expect it, they only revealed it to Du Xueqin and the others, and Feng Jiahui didn't know where to find it, so he came eagerly.

It will lead to the previous quarrel between Feng Jiahui and Xiao Fengyi, and the angry anger with Elder Xiao.

"Cousin!" When Du Xueqin saw Mu Yue, her face was greeted with a bright smile, "I heard that my cousin will bring you over, I deliberately got up early!"

Mu Yue, who was originally a little nervous, saw Du Xueqin and heard her words, and instantly couldn't help but laugh out loud, and the tension and worry in her heart disappeared.

Mu Yue immediately began to accuse him, pushing all the guilt on Xiao Junyan, "I don't know that I am coming here today. When I got in the car, Senior Brother Xiao told me!"

Xiao Fengyi also followed out, and said with a smile, "I'll give you a surprise, isn't this great? Come on, come in quickly!"

As they said, they invited Mu Yue into the room and saw what Xiao Junyan was holding in his hand, "Hey, I also brought gifts!"

"Well, because it was a bit rush, I only took some medicinal liquor and tea that I had at home, and bought some fruits on the roadside. I hope I don't dislike it!" Mu Yue said with some guilt.

Xiao Fengyi heard it, and said with a bright smile on his face, "It's okay, it's the best, but the old man has always been waiting for you to send these things!"

"Yes, my dad also especially likes your medicinal wine and tea. After drinking it, he will be full of energy when he comes home!" Du Xueqin also excitedly said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue was very happy to hear that they all liked the things they gave, "If you need them in the future, you can call me!"

These days, giving things is not a gift of preciousness, but a gift to the heart of the other person and the urgent need of the other party.

"Okay, okay, that's a must!" Du Xueqin said excitedly with a bright smile on her face, "Cousin, come in and sit!"

Mu Yue nodded, then walked into the hall and saw Old Man Xiao sitting on the sofa with a kindly smile on his face. He gave a respectful cry and bowed slightly, "I have seen Mr Xiao!"

Elder Xiao looked up and down at Mu Yue, who was wearing a white dress, and touched his beard with satisfaction and nodded, "Good, good!"

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