Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2124: Grabbing Brother Xiao's Fruit 1

Tang Yalan, who was busy in the kitchen, heard Mu Yue coming, and quickly walked out of it, "Are you here?"

Tang Yalan saw that Mu Yue was really here, with a bright smile on her face, "Mu Yue, you are here!"

Mu Yue greeted Tang Yalan, "Hello Auntie!"

Facing such a polite Mu Yue, Tang Yalan also had a bright smile on her face, "Well, okay, I will cook today, let you taste Auntie my craft!"

To tell the truth, Tang Yalan was very dissatisfied with the name of this aunt, but now that her son and this girl have not changed their characters, they can only use this name first!

"Yeah, try my mother's craftsmanship, and compare with you, who is better at craftsmanship!" Xiao Fengyi also smiled and said to Mu Yue.

"Thank you, Auntie!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile, she was not good to help.

Feng Jiahui, sitting on the sofa, looked at the passionate scene, and made a soft snort in her nose.

Feng Jiahui, who had always seen Mu Yue upset, was so depressed and unhappy watching Mu Yue and Xiao's family chat so vigorously.

Tang Yalan smiled and said softly to Mu Yue, "You wait here first, let Jun Yan accompany you, if you need anything, just order her!"

Mu Yue nodded lightly, feeling warm in her heart. She has a father but no mother, and Xiao Junyan has a mother but no father. Are the two of them complementary?

If the mother is really gone, this is not bad. The maternal love she can't experience can be retrieved from Tang Yalan's body, and the fatherly love that Xiao Junyan can't realize can be experienced from Mu Haixuan's body.

However, she still doubts, based on how much Mu Haixuan cares about herself, is Xiao Junyan really OK?

This was just a thought, and soon passed. Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin had already pulled their bodies onto the sofa and sat down.

"Smelly boy, what are you doing here? Hurry up and take the fruits to the kitchen, wash them, and give them to Mu Yue!" Tang Yalan pushed Xiao Junyan, who was a lot taller than himself, and said.

Xiao Junyan nodded, and went directly to the kitchen with the fruit.

Elder Xiao smiled and turned his head to Mu Yue and asked, "Girl Mu Yue, are you planning to live in Beijing in the future? Have you studied in Beijing?"

"Well, yes, grandpa and they asked me to come to the capital to study, so I came here!" Mu Yue smiled and nodded.

Du Xueqin asked Mu Yue excitedly, "That's great, we can often have the opportunity to hang out together in the future, cousin, where do you study?"

"It's the No. 1 Middle School in Beijing!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

"One Middle School! It's really good. This is a good school. You have to study hard!" Mr. Mu nodded with satisfaction when he heard what Mu Yue said about the school.

Although his father doesn't care about almost everything, it seems that Du Xueqin hasn't taken the college entrance examination for a long time, and he still has some understanding of the current high school. He knows that the history and faculty of No. 1 Middle School are among the best in Beijing.

Mu Yue nodded, "Yes, I will!"

"I don't know if you can keep up with your studies if you move to Beijing like this!" Feng Jiahui couldn't help but interrupt after hearing this.

Mu Yue glanced at Feng Jiahui's body. Before he could say anything, Du Xueqin said directly, "What's the matter if you can't keep up with your studies? As long as the cousin has the ability, it's fine. The cousin started from scratch and created it. The current Longteng Group, with such a big deal, who can compare!"

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