Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2125: Grabbing Brother Xiao's Fruit 2

"Yes!" Xiao Fengyi nodded in agreement, mocking Feng Jiahui coldly.

This old woman has been slandering Mu Yue just now, and she still says so now.

"No matter how you try to slander Mu Yue, my mother and I, as well as my grandfather, I have determined that Mu Yue is my brother's daughter-in-law. You are an outsider, don't get involved!" Xiao Fengyi said to Feng Jiahui very happily. For her, Feng Jiahui is an outsider.

Feng Jiahui choked with anger again, wishing to tear this little bitch's mouth apart.

A gleam of light flashed across Mu Yue's eyes, and she glanced at Feng Jiahui faintly, and the corners of her lips rose slightly, and she said comfortingly, "Auntie, my studies, you can rest assured that I have already learned the content that should be learned in the third year of high school. The school in Beijing is just a review, changing the environment, in fact, it doesn’t make any difference. You can’t rely on a champion, but at least you should be able to enter the university!"

This is absolutely arrogant and provocative.

Du Xueqin also said triumphantly, "That is, my cousin is more than enough for the entrance to Beijing University!"

"What kind of cousin! The character hasn't been written yet! Don't bark!" Feng Jiahui was extremely upset when Du Xueqin called Mu Yue. How could I feel awkward, "This matter hasn't been done yet, just If you call it so, let outsiders know, and maybe you can say something!"

Mu Yue lowered his eyes. Before he could speak, Xiao Junyan walked over with the fruit plate and said coldly, "She is the granddaughter-in-law of the Xiao family!"

Hearing Xiao Junyan's cold voice that seemed to come from the Hell of Nine Netherworlds, Feng Jiahui shivered subconsciously, raised her head, and met Xiao Junyan's sharp eyes like a dark cheetah, and her body trembled fiercely. trembling.

Elder Xiao, who had been sitting silently on the sofa, was always paying attention to their situation, and a thick smile flashed in his eyes.

For their families, many things are involuntary, but this also requires someone to take care of it and someone to take care of it.

Although Xiao Junyan's identity is a junior, as long as Feng Jiahui is afraid of Xiao Junyan, then even if he kicks his legs to see his wife in the future, he can rest assured that he will hand over this home to Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue.

This is also the reason why I haven't spoken since I greeted Mu Yue just now.

Xiao Junyan put the washed fruit on the coffee table and cut the watermelon into small pieces with a fork on it for everyone to eat.

"Come on!" Xiao Junyan knelt down, poke a small piece and handed it to Mu Yue.

It’s just that, halfway through, I was intercepted by Xiao Fengyi, with a bright smile on his face, and a very happy tone of voice saying, "Brother, you are so considerate. The first time you are so considerate to your sister, Can you help me get the fruit for your sister and bring it to me!"

Mu Yue watched Xiao Fengyi eat the watermelon, and glanced at Xiao Junyan, who had a dark complexion, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips slightly.

"Well, the watermelon that the little brother personally brought to his mouth is so sweet, plus this is the watermelon that you bought by your younger brother and sister!" Xiao Fengyi said excitedly, holding her cheek in an exaggerated hand.

Elder Xiao glanced at the pair of Xiao Fengyi who seemed to be really proud, and the muscles on his old face twitched.

It is estimated that no one at the scene did not know that the watermelon Xiao Junyan took was for Mu Yue, not Xiao Fengyi.

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