Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2126: Grabbing Brother Xiao's Fruit 3

Xiao Junyan directly ignored Xiao Fengyi's play of treasures there, and poked a piece of watermelon and handed it to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue deliberately slowed down, and Du Xueqin sitting next to him with a bright smile on her face, took it directly, with the same mouth as Xiao Fengyi, and said gratefully, "Cousin, you are so kind, I know that I am considerate of my sister! "

However, when Du Xueqin was pulling the fork this time, there was no way to get it out of Xiao Junyan's hand.

Just now Xiao Fengyi's actions were completely assaulted suddenly. She didn't expect that she would **** the fruit he gave to Mu Yue, so she didn't pinch it tight at that time and was just like that.

However, this time it was taken precautions. Xiao Junyan squeezed his hands a little tightly, so Du Xueqin couldn't pull it off no matter what.

Du Xueqin held the fork in her hand for more than ten seconds, and the smile on her face disappeared instantly, and she burst into tears in her heart.

"Puff!" Mu Yue couldn't help but snorted.

Xiao Junyan raised his eyes and looked at Mu Yue, who had already covered his mouth, but his squinted eyes and the clear and dark eyes were filled with a thick smile, which made him a little lost.

Du Xueqin, who was pulling, suddenly felt that the force of Xiao Junyan's hand holding the fork was slightly loosened, and with a quick pull, he pulled it into his hand, with a triumphant smile on his face.

Xiao Junyan saw that the fork and fruit in his hand were snatched away again, his face became more gloomy, and his gloomy black eyes stared at Du Xueqin firmly.

Du Xueqin was uncomfortable with Xiao Junyan's eyes, and his back was even more refreshing, as if some shady wind was blowing.

Du Xueqin, who couldn't stand the look, smiled happily, and hurriedly said with a smile, "Cousin, although this is the fruit that my cousin gave me, I think you still have to eat it first, so that I can show my praise. Brother's deep love for you, don't you think?"

Mu Yue couldn't smile at such numb words from Du Xueqin.

Xiao Junyan even coldly snorted, "You have to eat yourself! My woman, don't eat other people's food!"

These words were so arrogant and domineering, and the smile on Old Father Xiao's face became even brighter.

From the moment Xiao Junyan appeared, it became so interesting because of this fruit-robbing scene. His old man hadn't seen such a lively side for a long time.

Mu Yue smiled and looked at Xiao Junyan, and watched him poking a piece of fruit directly. This speed was very fast, and it was delivered directly to Mu Yue's mouth, without giving Du Xueqin and Xiao Fengyi a chance to react at all.

Xiao Junyan's speed and control were absolutely top-notch, and when it was sent to Mu Yue's lips, it was only a millimeter or two away.

Xiao Fengyi and Du Xueqin were both staring at the side, shaking their forks in their teeth, looking at the distance between the fruit and Mu Yue's cherry lips, and they only felt that their eyes were about to be cross-eyed.

Mu Yue blushed slightly, and said, "You should eat it yourself. If you want to eat it, I will eat it myself!"

Xiao Junyan still stretched out his arms, doing this posture, it seemed that if Mu Yue didn't eat, he would keep doing this.

Except for Feng Jiahui, the old and two young people beside them all watched the exchanges between Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue with interest.

Mu Yue couldn't stand the stalking of this guy. Knowing her character, she could only open her mouth and open her mouth to eat the fruit that Xiao Junyan had brought up.

And Xiao Junyan also looked at Mu Yue with gentle eyes, and the corners of her lips raised a slight arc.

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