Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2127: Grabbing Brother Xiao's Fruit 4

"Oh oh oh..." Du Xueqin and Xiao Fengyi, who were sitting on both sides of Mu Yue, both had interesting smiles, and there was a long humming sound in their mouths.

Mu Yue listened to the two roaring voices around her, and a layer of blush appeared on her cheeks. She only felt that she was really embarrassed, and she was still in front of Elder Xiao.

Du Xueqin smiled and said to Xiao Junyan jokingly, "Cousin, you are more handsome than when you were cold. Why didn't you smile a lot before? Is it because you want to show only to your cousin? Don’t you laugh in front of us?"

Xiao Junyan unexpectedly replied with Du Xueqin, and even sprinkled a handful of dog food directly in front of her, "Couldn't it?"

Du Xueqin, who was stuffed with dog food, burst into tears in an instant, and complained to Old Man Xiao in a grievance, "Grandpa, look at my cousin! Bully me!"

"Is there? No, why I haven't seen it or heard it!" Old man Xiao asked with a dazed and innocent appearance.

Du Xueqin was speechless again, but she did not expect that her grandfather was also helping Xiao Junyan. She used to be the youngest in the family and she was also a girl, so she was favored by her father. I helped her, but I didn't expect that this time it wasn't anymore.

She can only shift the target of her complaint and look at Mu Yue, "Cousin, you see my cousin bullying me, you have to call the shots for me!"

Mu Yue chuckled lightly and looked at Du Xueqin and said domineeringly, "It's okay, you bully and go back, I'll support you! He will definitely not fight back!"

"Cousin-in-law, you are the best. Grandpa loved me before, but now my cousin goes home, grandpa doesn't care about me anymore, and only the cousin you love me!" Du Xueqin was shameless to Mu Yue and acted like a baby .

Grandpa Xiao listened, staring at Du Xueqin angrily, "How old are you, even a year older than your cousin who is still acting like a baby, and even if your cousin loves you, are you shameless?"

The word "cousin", Feng Jiahui, who kept pursing her mouth and not speaking, felt sulking at the bottom of her heart, and felt that her heart was being fueled by the fire.

If someone else said the word cousin, she would simply ignore it, but now the person who said the word was Old Man Xiao.

The two words "cousin" did not just recognize Mu Yue's identity?

Thinking of this, Feng Jiahui couldn't mention how frustrated she was. She was also a little bit poor and didn't know what to do to prevent Mu Yue from marrying into the Xiao family.

Mu Yue and the others didn't know and didn't want to know the depression and unwillingness in Feng Jiahui's heart at this time.

Du Xueqin was also aggrieved and complained to Old Man Xiao, "Why not? What's wrong with my cousin one year younger than me? She is my sister-in-law in generations, isn't it normal? We are talking about generations, isn't it? Age, your elders also know that many elders are younger than juniors. Don’t they also have to call the elders in the name of the other person to treat them respectfully?"

Elder Xiao was forced to have nothing to say by what Du Xueqin said, so he waved his hand dumbfoundingly, "Well, I can't say you girl, just do what you want!"

"Hmph, I said that is the most reasonable saying!" Du Xueqin suddenly smiled smugly when seeing that he had nothing to say to Elder Xiao.

If she had a tail, she probably would have to lift it up into the sky.

At this moment, Tang Yalan's voice came, "It's lunch!"

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