Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2128: Wife is good at craftsmanship 1

Mu Yue and the others sat at the table, and everyone moved their index fingers when they watched the table full of delicious dishes.

Tang Yalan sat at the table and smiled and said to Mu Yue who was sitting next to Xiao Junyan, "Mu Yue, look, do you like these dishes? Tell your aunt, what do you want to eat in the future, the aunt will cook it for you !"

"Yeah, Mu Yue, it's the first time you come to our house, please see if there is anything you like to eat!" Xiao Siyu also said gently to Mu Yue.

As an aunt, Xiao Siyu also helped Tang Yalan cook lunch in the kitchen, but she didn't come out just now.

"Thank you Auntie, I like to eat anything!" Mu Yue said to Tang Yalan and the others with a smile.

In her previous life, she had no choice. As long as it was edible, she would eat it, so she developed a liking to eat everything now.

"Good, good!" Tang Yalan smiled, "I heard that your craftsmanship is also good. Come and try our craftsmanship. How does it compare to yours?"

Xiao Junyan first helped Mu Yue pick up a sweet and sour pork ribs, put it in his bowl, and said with concern, "Be careful!"

This caring words made Tang Yalan's eyes full of surprise. Xiao Junyan really cared more and more about people, and he was still so gentle, which is really rare.

Mu Yue was a little embarrassed to be stared at by so many people, even Elder Xiao looked at herself, "Elder Xiao is an elder, so let’s move the chopsticks first!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Old Man Xiao showed a bright smile on his face, but he said indifferently, "Our family doesn't have such rules!"

Even though he said that, Mr. Xiao still picked up the chopsticks and ate the vegetables first.

Seeing Mr. Xiao had eaten it, Mu Yue ate the sweet and sour pork ribs in full view.

"How is it?" Tang Yalan asked Mu Yue with a smile.

Mu Yue nodded, "Auntie, the dishes you cook are delicious, even better than the chefs in the hotel outside!"

Affirmed by Mu Yue, Tang Yalan had a bright and gentle smile on her face, but she still waved her hands and said, "You kid! How can I compare to the chef, especially your medicinal restaurant, I am I heard that the medicated food inside is very delicious!"

"Yeah!" Elder Xiao also nodded with a serious expression, "When will I give my old man a taste!"

Mu Yue knew for a while, this is one meal for one meal!

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded, "As long as Xiao Lao and Auntie don't dislike it, I'll cook some medicated meals for you to taste, I just hope not to dislike it!"

Du Xueqin blinked a pair of eyes excitedly and looked at Mu Yue, "Well, it's better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day, just today!"

"This...good, but I have to talk to my grandfather and the others!" Mu Yue thought for a while and said to everyone.

Now that he has come and has been asked, he can't refuse it, right? I can only agree.

"Hahaha, okay, I'll also taste your girl's craftsmanship!" Elder Xiao said to Mu Yue with a smile too.

Du Xueqin excitedly said to Mu Yue, "I will let him come when my dad gets off work tonight!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded, since it burned, he didn't care about one more person.

Xiao Fengyi lifted her chin, looked very ugly, and seemed to be Feng Jiahui who was isolated in another world, "Second aunt, do you want to call your second uncle and sister Kexin together!"

The muscles in the corners of Feng Jiahui's eyes twitched, and she cursed in her heart.

"No, we still have dinner in the evening, so we won't come!"

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