Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2142: 200 million yuan of loss 4

He father heard He Xiuzhen's words and became even more angry. His eyes were round and convex, as if about to fall out, and he gasped for breath. Because of his anger, his body was trembling slightly.

"Good, good, really good!" Father He gritted his teeth.

He didn't expect that his in-laws would not help him at all, even a little bit of help. Is this because he feels that their family can no longer support it?

He Xiuzhen looked at the appearance of Father He, and felt a little unwilling and angry.

It is also because during this period of time that her status in her husband's family has also declined, and people in the family have been showing her a look.

She didn't talk to Father He about this kind of thing, so as not to distract him. After all, He's family is already like this now.

Now He's father asked, she can only tell the truth, otherwise, she will be misunderstood by He's father that she herself is not willing to help the He family.

"Dad, things are already like this, we should still think about what to do next!" He Xiuzhen hurriedly reminded He Father.

He's father's somewhat withered hands clenched into fists, "What else can I do now? I received the above order, let us immediately compensate the Longteng Group and the girl's mental losses, we must immediately compensate, otherwise, they will be sealed. our company!"

Yes, in the face of such a situation, of course the South Korean government had no choice but to abandon them and let them compensate for the spiritual damages, which immediately resolved the matter.

They have already lost face internationally because of the He's consortium. If they don't solve it right away, they might still be ashamed.

Therefore, the most important task now is to get the people of the He family to pay compensation immediately, to resolve the matter quickly, and then use other things to suppress the limelight of this matter.

How can Father He, who has been riding in the mall for so many years, fail to understand the thoughts of those above?

What if he is unwilling? Who made him a native of this country?

"Two hundred million yuan, how can we give it in our current situation!" He Xiuzhen gritted her teeth angrily.

Father He said desperately, "I have already asked people to deal with it and sold some things! I should be able to collect 200 million yuan from the money I have in the consortium!"

He originally wanted to let the company out, but those shareholders refused and even let him give it.

This situation was unexpected by Mu Yue. Even if she knew it, she would probably only say one thing, "Flying in the catastrophe!"

Yes, this is He Li's trouble. It should be his father who wiped his butt, they wouldn't wipe him.

He was angry at what they thought, and wanted to curse.

When they have money, they can take it without saying anything, but now they are required to pay, and they are unwilling to pick it out one by one.

"You go to deal with this matter! Contact Longteng Group and send the money over!" He said to He Xiuzhen with a sigh.

Now, He's father only hopes that after the money is given, their He family can resolve the current crisis and give them time to ease their breath. All they need is time.

"Okay, I see!" He Xiuzhen's eyes flashed with coldness. They were all that little bitch, and she would definitely not let her go.

That little **** made her lose everything, how could she just let her go?

Since you can't make trouble for that little **** openly, then let him trouble him in other ways!

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