Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2143: The **** Wei Xiaolin 1

He Li's family has already compromised, and Wei Xiaolin on the other side has paid a painful price. No, it should be said that his father paid the price first.

Although Wei Xiaolin was clean, but there was no way to refute his contact with He Li.

However, the above still released him temporarily. After all, even though Wei Xiaolin was involved in this matter, the above did not want others to know that people from their Huaxia country participated in this matter.

If you let others know, it is estimated that their country will have to be ridiculed again. This is one's own people playing with one's own people. When the time comes, it will be even more embarrassing than He Li's frame. After all, this matter is just like a **** in his own country.

After Wei Xiaolin was arrested, Wei's father also inquired about it. After knowing that the recent uproar was caused by his own son and He Li, he almost wanted to kill him.

You must know that the main force of the Mu family is still in the military. Only Mu Haihua is in the political world. Because of this, after knowing that Mu Yue has returned to the family, Father Wei warned his son not to mess with Mu Yue.

However, he did not expect that this stinky boy would take his words as deaf ears to provoke Mu Yue and cause such a big battle, which directly involves the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

If it is not done well, it is estimated that the diplomatic relations between their country and South Korea will be broken as a result, and the father who bears the brunt will have to go directly to the military court.

Compared with Wei's father, Wei's mother didn't care about this at all. She was more worried about her son's right to life. Holding Wei's father was a cry, "Old Wei, you have to find a way, Xiaolin. The only male in the Wei family! If something happens to him, the Wei family will wean off his children and grandchildren!"

"Send off my sons and grandchildren, I really want to sever my sons and grandchildren! Wouldn't I be troubled by him if it weren't for your son? Didn't you see that I'm at home now and didn't go to the military area?" Father Wei pointed angrily at Mother Wei. Scolded.

Yes, he is at home now, not because he is worried about his son, but because he is banned and cannot leave the house, let alone go to the military area.

Even the yard where they live is guarded by guards around them, and there are people who monitor their phone calls. As long as he makes a call, they will be able to know the content of his call.

Even if Wei's mother went out to buy groceries, people were staring at her, just because she was a woman and didn't know she was being followed.

Therefore, at this time, Wei's mother was still looking at Wei's father in confusion. She didn't know at all that Wei's father had been staying at home these days because he wanted to help her son find a way, not other things.

Wei Xiaolin was still confused and went home with a sigh of relief.

He thinks that he should be fine. After all, they have released him. If something happens, will he leave that place?

What Wei Xiaolin didn't know at this time was that his "good life" had just begun!

With a "squeak", Wei Xiaolin opened the door of his home. Both Father Wei and Mother Wei who were arguing turned their heads and looked towards the door. When Wei Xiaolin came back, both of them were stunned. In place.

It seems that they didn't expect that their son would appear in front of them. Shouldn't he be locked up in that department?

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