When Father Wei saw his son, he was just stunned for a moment, and he immediately recovered. Angrily, he directly picked up the remote control on the coffee table in front of him and threw it towards Wei Xiaolin.

Wei Xiaolin, who had just returned home, had no idea that his father would suddenly throw something over, and he was smashed into his head by the remote control.

"Ah!" Wei Xiaolin let out a miserable scream, clutching his head, and red blood flowed from his fingers.

Seeing her son's head bleeding, Wei's mother suddenly screamed, got up from the sofa and ran towards Wei Xiaolin.

"Son, what's the matter with you?" Mother Wei looked at Wei Xiaolin anxiously.

However, Father Wei was at the appearance of Wei Xiaolin, not at all relieved, and walked in front of him again angrily, raised his foot fiercely, and kicked his chest.

"Bump" Wei Xiaolin was kicked out by Wei's father again, and fell to the ground two or three meters away with a thump.

Mother Wei did not expect that her husband would put such a heavy hand on her son, "Old Wei, what are you doing! He is your son! Why are you beating him!"

After shouting at Father Wei, Mother Wei quickly ran to Wei Xiaolin, hugging her son, "Son, son, don't scare mom..."

Seeing his son's head full of blood, lying on the ground and wailing bitterly, Wei's mother was anxious!

"Hit? I still want to kill him!" Wei's father stared at Wei Xiaolin fiercely.

Wei Xiaolin, who was afraid of his father since childhood, faced the angry father at this time, so scared that his body shrank to his mother's side, and his voice trembled, "Dad...you...why are you hitting me?"

"Why hit me? Don't tell me you don't know! I don't know, where have you been during this time! Why did you go there!" Wei's father pointed at Wei Xiaolin and yelled angrily.

A panic and guilty conscience flashed in Wei Xiaolin's eyes, and he knew that this matter could not be hidden from his father.

However, now that they have all released themselves, there must be no evidence.

"Dad, I... I was wronged! I... I really didn't do it!" Wei Xiaolin quickly complained to Wei's father wronged.

Wei's father stared at Wei Xiaolin fiercely. He was able to sit in this seat, not by slapping his beard, but really having a brain.

He didn't think that Wei Xiaolin was released when he was really fine.

"Oh, idiot! Why did I give birth to your idiot son!" Wei's father looked at Wei Xiaolin mockingly.

Wei Xiaolin looked at Father Wei in confusion, with a bit of innocence and grievance, as if you had wronged me.

Father Wei looked at Wei Xiaolin coldly, "If it were not for the conclusive evidence of this matter, how could I be suspended? Don't look at you right now, it's all the people above who don’t want my country to be involved, and then I will be released. Come out, do you really think you are okay? Stupid idiot!"

After Wei's father said this, it seems that Wei Xiaolin only understood why he was released.

"Dad...I, I...I know it was wrong, yes, I also know what He Li did, but I really didn't really participate in it. He Li did it all by himself, and it has nothing to do with me! "Wei Xiaolin panicked in her heart, got up from the ground, knelt in front of Father Wei and hugged his thigh, begging bitterly, "Dad, you must save me, I don't want anything wrong, Dad!"

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