Father Wei looked at Wei Xiaolin coldly, kicking his son holding his leg away, "Go away, now I know I was wrong. How did I warn you, don't offend Mu Yue, but what about you? What's wrong? Useless things!"

Wei Xiaolin, who was kicked by Wei's father and fell to the ground, quickly got up again.

He knew that if his father didn't save him, then he would probably die miserably.

"Dad, I know I was wrong, I am your son, you must save me! Dad!" Wei Xiaolin cried and hugged Wei's father's leg and begged.

Mother Wei looked at her son's begging, and she was still full of sadness, and she couldn't help but persuade her husband, "Old Wei, my son knows that he is wrong, please save and forgive his son, I believe, this He must be taught a lesson about the second thing, and he will definitely not dare to do it again!"

"How a kind mother is to lose!" Looking at Wei's mother, Wei's father only had this word in his mind.

Father Wei glanced at his son Wei Xiaolin indifferently and threatened viciously, "You better pray that this matter will not affect me, otherwise, I will kick you out of the house and deny you this son!"

When Wei Xiaolin heard his father's words, his body trembled and his face was unbelievable.

Is what his father said true?

In his heart, he wanted to deny it, but looking at the ferocity and determination in his father's eyes, he seemed to feel that it was true.

Mother Wei felt distressed again, and yelled at Father Wei, "What do you mean! No!" "And you!" Father Wei turned his gaze on Mother Wei and said viciously, "I I will divorce you too!"

Mother Wei was also stupid when she heard it, and watched Wei's father resolutely leave with an incredible expression on her face.

Father Wei snorted coldly, waved his hand and left, leaving only Wei Mu and Wei Xiaolin sitting on the ground in the hall stupidly.

What happened to the Wei family naturally quickly reached Ye Tianming's ears, and even more quickly reached Mu Yue's ears.

Especially Gu An, who is paying attention to the situation of the Wei family.

After all, it was because of Gu An, Mu Yue and Wei Xiaolin that they had some grudges.

"Hey, good news, that **** Wei Xiaolin was beaten by his own old man when he returned to his home, and he was still full of blood!"

Gu An also kept people paying attention to the situation of Wei's family. Although he didn't know that it was not as clear as Mu Yue, he also heard people say that Wei Xiaolin went to the hospital with a **** face.

Originally this kind of words could be called out, but Wei's mother was still worried about what sequelae would be left, so she went to the hospital to check it out.

Therefore, this quickly reached Gu An and the others.

Gu Zihan listened and smiled admiringly, "Oh, sister Yue is the best!"

"That is, don't look at who she is!" Gu An also nodded in agreement.

However, when he said this, he drew a big blow from Old Man Gu, "You have the face to say that you don't even have a hard time in front of Xiao Xiao!"

Thinking about Xiao Junyan's fear of that kid after Xiao Junyan arrived at Mu's house, it made him yell at his grandson for being too spineless.

Gu An shrank her neck, but muttered in her heart, "Can he be blamed? Who makes that guy's eyes so terrifying? Besides, it's the cold ice cube in the legend, can he not be afraid?"

Xiao Junyan's identity and Master Gu told him about it!

Before not telling him, he was already frightened when facing Xiao Junyan. Now that he knew his identity, he was even more scared, and he had a thought of not wanting to be close to Mu Yue anymore.

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