Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2147: He Xiuzhen's Hate 2

If this matter is resolved, it is not fast or fast, or fast.

On behalf of the He consortium, He's father apologized to the Tamron Group, and even more to China.

It was also because of this apologizing that the stock price of their He consortium plummeted again.

After the press conference, He's father was so angry because of the incident, he passed out and was sent to the hospital.

Immediately after He's father apologized, the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs also apologized to China and the Longteng Group on behalf of their country.

In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea hopes that Mu Yue's Longteng Group will invest in their South Korea, and their country will compensate their Longteng Group and carry out various preferential policies.

For this matter, Mu Yue directly chose to ignore it.

Regardless of the things she saw in the news in later generations, let's not say that she is a descendant of Chinese medicine.

The Korean doctor even claimed that the Chinese medicine belonged to them, which she did not allow.

Therefore, as long as this matter has not happened before and has not been resolved, she will never invest in their country.

She must first rectify the name of her Chinese medicine in Huaxia. Chinese medicine belongs to Huaxia, not Korean medicine, which is just a branch of Chinese medicine.

Of course, Mu Yue did not directly reject it directly, but gave an ambiguous answer, "Right now, the Longteng Group is still in the development period, and it will only open up the domestic market for the time being. When the time comes, I will invest in South Korea."

Of course, South Korea did not have much expectation for Mu Yue's Longteng Group investment, just talk casually to give Longteng Group a face.

Although Mu Yue's refusal made them feel uncomfortable, Mu Yue's answer was also very official. They couldn't say anything, so they could only stop the matter.

However, after this matter is over, is it really over?

After all the apologies, the stock price of the He consortium continued to plummet, falling every day, and never stopped.

This makes everyone in the Ho consortium panic, worrying that the Ho consortium will not be able to sustain bankruptcy because of this.

This kind of thing really made the He's consortium think about leaving one after another, and the ordinary employees started to look for jobs secretly.

And those shareholders have already begun to sell their shares.

Because of the He’s financial group’s stock market, He’s father also fell into a slump after that press conference. He has been living in the hospital all the time. The company’s affairs are also handled by his daughter He Xiuzhen.

How can He Xiuzhen, a yellow-haired girl, be able to control the old shareholders of the He consortium who have become elite?

Facing the situation of the He's consortium, these shareholders have also become tough, almost all of them are going to force the palace.

Facing the pressure of shareholders and the situation that the He consortium was about to collapse, He Xiuzhen went crazy and furious in her office.

A bodyguard stood tremblingly at the desk, holding a document in his hand, afraid to speak.

Seeing this bodyguard, He Xiuzhen asked in a cold voice, "Did you find what I asked you to check?"

"I found it!" Hearing He Xiuzhen's order, the bodyguard hurriedly passed the information in his hand to He Xiuzhen, "This is the information we investigated on Mu Yue in China!"

"Useless things, it took so long to find out the information!" He Xiuzhen scolded, but he didn't expect to only investigate Mu Yue's information. These people actually talked for more than half a month, "Go away!"

The bodyguard listened, and if he received an amnesty, he quickly turned and left the office.

I thought to myself, it seemed that I had to find another job.

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