Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2148: He Xiuzhen's Hate 3

The He's consortium is faced with the pressure of the collapse of the story every day, but Mu Yue is here to prepare for the opening of the next medicinal restaurant.

Mu Yue, who plans to open the Chinese Medicinal Restaurant in August, said that he was busy and busy, and that he was very busy when he was free.

In a blink of an eye, in August, Mu Yue would visit the medicinal restaurant almost every other day to see how the medicinal restaurant was prepared and how the cooking skills of the chefs had improved.

Gu An, who understands Mu Yue's meaning, consciously comes to Mu's house every day to pick up Mu Yue.

Who wants to go with Mu Yue, can eat delicious medicated food for free!

No, even Gu Zihan followed happily.

"Wow, this is sister Yue's medicinal restaurant! This is the first time I have come! It's not much better than those luxurious hotels in Beijing!" Gu Zihan stood in the parking lot outside and said to Mu Yue excitedly.

Before Mu Yue could speak, Gu An said triumphantly, "Of course, I won't look at who opened this medicinal restaurant! Tell you, this is only part of it, and there is still a part under construction! The lower part is called the current pavilion, the enjoyment of honor!"

Mu Yue turned his head and looked at Gu An's excited introduction, a little bit dumbfounded, as if he opened this medicinal restaurant.

"This is only open to ordinary diners and some ordinary members, and this one over there is truly open to members." Mu Yue introduced Gu Zihan with a smile.

Gu Zihan looked in the direction that Mu Yue was pointing at, only to see the building's surrounding walls, but not to see what was inside, and was a little frustrated.

"When will it open exactly?" Gu Zihan asked Mu Yue curiously again.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "Well, it opens on August 16, you can come over and participate!"

Gu Zihan nodded like smashing garlic, his face was full of excitement and excitement, "En, en, that is a must!"

Gu An patted Gu Zihan on the shoulder and said seductively, "Let's go, let's try the craftsmanship made by the chefs, but of course it's not the best that Mu Yue made personally, but it's not bad, it's absolutely delicious!"

Gu Zihan swallowed and glared at Gu An, "You and Grandpa know how to seduce me, so I followed you, hum, I also want to try, what kind of medicinal diet, how delicious is it? You and your grandfather are both so memorable when they talk about Sister Yue's craftsmanship!"

It was true that after Gu An and Old Man Gu had eaten Mu Yue's medicated diet, they both disliked the meals made by the family's nanny, and felt that their meals were a little hard to swallow.

Of course, the children and grandchildren of Mr. Gu knew about this. They were all muttering that Mr. Gu's mouth was getting more and more disconcerting.

But Gu An was the only one who was on the side of Mr. Gu, and he agreed very much. He only hoped that Mu Yue's medicated food restaurant would be opened soon, so that he would be able to eat every day.

This also means that Gu Zihan must come to taste the medicated food in the medicated food restaurant.

Gu Zihan was also excited to follow Gu An into the medicinal restaurant.

The waiters already knew that the most beautiful Mu Yue among the two women and one man was their boss, so when they saw her coming, they hurriedly led the way and led them to the box.

Mu Yue waved his hand, and said, "You don't need to lead the way, you go down and let them get ready!"

"Yes! Mu Dong!"

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