Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2155: Mu Yue's decision 3

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan came to the medicated restaurant. Ye Tianming was very surprised by the arrival of Mu Yue and them.

"Huh? Little Junior Sister, why are you here? Why don't you go out to play together?" Ye Tianming asked Mu Yue incomprehensibly.

Ling Hong stood aside and nodded in agreement.

Obviously, he also knew from Ye Tianming's mouth that Xiao Junyan came back yesterday and plans to celebrate Valentine's Day with two people today!

Although this is a bit of dog food for him as a single, this is also normal, and the two people are also rarely together for a day.

"I am going out to play in the evening. I will deal with the medicinal food restaurant during the day and prepare for the opening ceremony tomorrow!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

"Little Junior Sister, it's not necessary. Although it's busy here, you don't need to be there, Lao Ling and I can solve it!" Ye Tianming grabbed Ling Hong's shoulder and said to Mu Yue with a smile .

Ling Hong also deeply agreed and said, "Yeah, yeah, Mu Dong, you should go out on a date, and leave the medicinal restaurant to us!"

Alas, although the feeling of being scattered with dog food is very bad, but who makes the family a couple, and he also feels that the two of them are the two most able to scatter dog food in the world.

Xiao Junyan refused and said, "No, Yue is too busy, too tired, I will help her do it today, she rests!"

Well, with these words, Ling Hong and Ye Tianming's two elders were filled with dog food again, which was much more sprinkled than when the two of them went out on a date.

What's more, Xiao Junyan had been preparing for a long date, but he was so distressed that Mu Yue was too tired. This was a very proactive and conscious effort to help Mu Yue reduce the workload, and he took care of it.

Ye Tianming stared at Xiao Junyan, looked at Mu Yue again, and shook his head, "I finally understand now, why the younger sister likes you and doesn't like me anymore! Alas, it's so popular!"

Mu Yue gave Ye Tianming angrily, "What is good about you, nothing is better than Senior Brother Xiao, I don't like who Senior Brother Xiao likes!"

"Eh eh, Mu Dong, I don't agree with these words, I also agree with Ye Shao's statement even more, even I have to bow down!" Ling Hong couldn't help but interject, and said to Mu Yue teasingly. .

Mu Yue was immediately depressed, and the two even joined hands to bully her.

"Senior Brother Xiao, they bullied me!" Mu Yue could only turn around and complain to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue tenderly, and asked, "Isn't it?"

Mu Yue opened her mouth and could only stomped her feet, "No!"

"Then how do you like the boss!" Ye Tianming was surprised, and he was really curious about how this little junior sister and his boss looked at each other.

Mu Yue hummed her nose, but said deliberately, "I just won't tell you, you can guess by yourself!"

After that, Mu Yue ignored Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming and walked to his box office.

However, after only a few steps, Mu Yue turned to Xiao Junyan and ordered, "This is what you said. You have to deal with the matters here. If you don't do it well, the evening appointment will be ignored!"

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan nodded, and the corners of his lips raised a slight arc.

Ye Tianming reminded Xiao Junyan sympathetically, "Boss, a woman can't be so used to being spoiled, she should be spoiled!"

"I like it, can you control it?" Xiao Junyan glanced at Ye Tianming coldly.

Ye Tianming burst into tears instantly, while Ling Hong patted him on the shoulder sympathetically.

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