Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2156: Mu Yue's decision 4

Although Mu Yue said to let Xiao Junyan take care of it and help her do things, she was still a little worried, and she went out to check if something was not good, and let them continue to correct and process.

Although Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan ate lunch in the medicinal restaurant, they only ate it in their own private room, but they did not eat it with Ye Tianming and the others.

It's rare for two people to be together, and Ye Tianming and Ling Hong are not fools, but they don't want to be fed by these two guys with a mouthful of dog food. They can't eat the food before, so it is better to eat separately with them .

It wasn't until after four o'clock that Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan left the medicated restaurant.

Of course, I should discuss with them before leaving. She will not go back. I will accompany Xiao Junyan tonight and ask them to give her a confession, so that my father and the others will not ask anything troublesome.

Although Ye Tianming and Ling Hong didn't know what Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan were going to do, they also knew the situation of Mu Yue's family, and both smiled and agreed to Mu Yue's request.

Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue bought dinner at the food market on the road, and returned home to make a sumptuous dinner.

Of course, Xiao Junyan also made this dinner.

Today is a little different than usual, but the atmosphere is more romantic than usual, and gentle and warm music is always playing in the room.

Mu Yue even placed candles directly on the table to create a candlelight dinner for two.

Xiao Junyan brought out the prepared dinner and put it on the dining table. Looking at the wine glass and red wine that Mu Yue had prepared, a thick smile flashed across his eyes.

Usually the two of them seldom drink wine, and they rarely drink red wine. Since it is this romantic candlelight dinner today, the two of course added a bottle of red wine.

"Senior Brother Xiao, what do you think?" Mu Yue lit the candle and turned off the light. There was only the faint light of candlelight on the dining table in the whole hall.

Xiao Junyan turned his head and looked at Mu Yue, who was walking towards him. Under the faint candlelight, her eyes became more gentle, "Hmm! Good!"

Mu Yue smiled, sat at the table, opened the red wine bottle, and poured red wine into the goblet.

"Senior Brother Xiao, come, let's have a toast!" Mu Yue smiled and picked up the goblet, and handed it to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan also picked up the wine glass and collided with Mu Yue's wine glass, and there was a crisp clash.

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan drank the red wine in their hands together.

"I rarely eat Western food. I'll try your Western food skills, Brother Xiao, but I don't know how to cook Western food!" Mu Yue smiled and looked at the steak and foie gras on the plate in front of him.

Xiao Junyan held the wine glass in his hand and looked at Mu Yue tenderly at the corner of his mouth, "Try it!"

Mu Yue picked up the knife and fork, cut a piece of beef first, and tasted it, "It tastes good, it's 80% ripe! I know I don't like **** food!"

"If you like to eat!" Xiao Junyan heard that Mu Yue likes to eat, and the corner of his lips also showed a satisfied smile.

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan but didn't move, and reminded him, "Brother Xiao, you eat too!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, lowered his head, picked up the knife and fork, and ate the western food in front of him.

They used to cook Chinese food. This was the first Western meal the two of them cooked together. It was also the first candlelight dinner that they had eaten at home. It had a different but warm taste.

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