Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2158: I'll rub it for you 1

When Mu Yue opened his eyes again, he saw that Xiao Junyan, who was sleeping next to him, was no longer there, slightly surprised and confused.

She didn't even know when Xiao Junyan left.

Mu Yue sat up and took a look at the still messy room, her cheeks suddenly blushed, and she raised her hand to cover her face.

At this time, she didn't notice at all, because she sat up, and the quilt covering her body slowly fell, revealing her crystal clear body.

At this time, Xiao Junyan walked in from outside, still holding a tray in his hand.

Hearing the movement, Mu Yue looked up and saw Xiao Junyan coming, and the two of them faced each other.

However, Mu Yue saw that someone's sight had been falling on her, and she lowered her head subconsciously, but saw that she was exposed in the spring, and quickly pulled the quilt up to block the place.

The corners of Xiao Junyan's lips rose slightly, and he walked towards the bed, "I watched it yesterday!"

When Mu Yue heard this, the blush on her face suddenly became even more dripping.

"Come on, have breakfast!" Xiao Junyan didn't say anything else, knowing she was shy, and walking to the bed with the porridge on the tray.

Mu Yue blushed, and quickly took out a piece of clothing from her space, and put it on her body quickly, lest someone see where she shouldn't be.

Xiao Junyan smiled, holding the porridge, scooped a spoonful of porridge with a spoon, and handed it to Mu Yue, "Come on, drink the porridge!"

Mu Yue quickly stopped and grabbed the porridge bowl in Xiao Junyan's hand, "No, I can do it myself!"

Xiao Junyan did not object, watching Mu Yue gulping porridge, her eyes became more gentle, "Slow down!"

"Brother Xiao, have you eaten?" Mu Yue raised his head and asked him with concern.

Xiao Junyan smiled slightly and said softly, "It's okay, you eat first!"

Mu Yue paused for a while, "You should go eat first, and you will almost go to the medicinal restaurant after eating!"

"It's okay, you eat first!" Xiao Junyan said nonchalantly, "I see you eat!"

Mu Yue glared at Xiao Junyan, gritted her teeth, "Go... eat!"

She promised that if she didn't urge and remind him, he would not eat breakfast anymore, as long as she was by his side, he would not allow such a thing to happen.

Although Xiao Junyan was a little unwilling, but Mu Yue was angry, but she could only get up, "Okay."

Watching Xiao Junyan leave the room, Mu Yue breathed a sigh of relief and put the porridge bowl in his hand on the bedside table, ready to get up and take off his clothes.

However, Mu Yue only stepped on the ground to get up, and felt her legs soft and her body knelt on the ground.

Mu Yue looked at her trembling legs, and the muscles in the corners of her eyes trembled slightly. He did not expect that the sequelae would be so great.

However, fortunately, it seemed that Xiao Junyan had given her internal strength to relieve her soreness just now, rubbed it lightly and stood up.

Just taking a step, a pain came from under her body, making her brows wrinkled tightly, and inhaling a breath of cold air.

"It still hurts so much!" Mu Yue mumbled, and in her heart she secretly cursed Xiao Junyan who served himself a bowl of porridge in the kitchen.

Enduring the pain, Mu Yue first went to the bathroom to wash up and changed a dress.

It was true that someone was crazy yesterday. None of the clothes were complete. They were all ruined. Fortunately, there were clothes in her space, otherwise she didn't know where to go to get them.

This should be the pit I dug, I have to fill it myself, it's a bit depressing.


Alas, I finally finished writing. I was worried that I would be blocked because of the amount of writing. After writing, deleting and writing, it finally came out. I hope you can be satisfied with these two chapters!

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