Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2159: Let me help you rub 2

Mu Yue got into Xiao Junyan's car, still pressing her waist with her hand, still feeling a little sore all over her body.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue beside him worriedly, and asked concerned, "Uncomfortable?"

When asked this way, Mu Yue turned her head and glared fiercely, "It's all you, would I be so uncomfortable if it weren't for you?"

Xiao Junyan was scolded by Mu Yue, looking very guilty, and stretched out his head, "May I help you rub it?"

"No, you can drive!" Mu Yue directly waved his hand to refuse, and said viciously.

However, Xiao Junyan still looked at Mu Yue with a worried look, and his expression was a bit nervous and guilty, and he didn't know what to say.

Mu Yue stared at Xiao Junyan depressed again, "What are you still doing in a daze? Drive faster?"

It's all this bad guy, knowing to bully her, I really regret it.

Xiao Junyan saw that Mu Yue was really fine, and only then calmly moved his car to the medicinal restaurant.

Today's medicinal restaurant is more lively than other times.

Not only the staff of the medicinal restaurant, but also the wealthy businessmen who were invited, and the reporters gathered here.

The second generation of Mu family only came to Mu Haiye, who represented the Mu family group, and the other women and sons all came one by one.

"Where's Sister Yue? Why haven't you seen her yet?" Mu Yifeng asked, looking around curiously.

Mu Yutao shook his head, "I don't know, it should be dressed up, girls, I finally get dressed up!"

"That's right, I can see my beautiful sister in a moment!" Mu Hongbo said anticipatingly.

Mu Ziheng raised his head and looked at Mu Hongbo puzzledly, "Isn't it usually ugly?"

Mu Hongbo was taken aback, then raised his head and slapped Mu Ziheng's head, then he glared at him, "Smelly boy! What are you talking about? I can tell you, I can't let Sister Yue know this sentence!"

"Hey!" Mu Ziheng showed a treacherous smile on his face, and stretched out his little hand, "Okay, brother, I want a hundred yuan!"

Mu Hongbo looked at Mu Ziheng who reached out to him, and kicked him directly, "Go!"

Mu Ziheng had been used to it a long time ago, and he jumped straight away, made a face at Mu Hongbo, and ran away.

Mu Yutao helplessly patted Mu Hongbo on the shoulder, "Okay, stop making trouble, today is an important day for Sister Yue, let’s go around first, I heard that the chef here almost got Sister Yue’s favor. The truth is, if you try those desserts, it's hard to eat at home!"

"Okay!" Mu Hongbo nodded with a smile, and went to eat delicious food together.

The people who came were not only from the Mu family, but also children from other big families.

Ye Tianming also brought his gang's family brother over to join in the fun, adding popularity to the lively banquet again.

Because I knew the people standing behind this medicated restaurant, and they were brought by Ye Tianming, the eldest of the Ye family who followed their family, all of them were in peace, and they weren't as messy as usual.

Compared with the temporary, Ye Tianming has a lot of brothers here, so bring them here and make a little more money for himself by the way.

"Let's go shopping first, um, there are fruit wine and desserts, which are the characteristics of the medicinal restaurant, you can try it!" Ye Tianming reminded everyone behind him, and said.

Dessert is a feature of the medicinal restaurant, and the fruit wine is brewed by the brothers of Ye Tianming, so of course he advertises them more.

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