Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2160: Let me help you rub 3

Ye Tianming threw away his bunch of little brothers and came to Mu Yue's office floor, but saw Xiao Junyan standing in front of the room seemingly depressed and helpless.

"Boss, why are you here? Little Junior Sister is inside? Don't you go in?" Ye Tianming shook his head and walked over, and asked Xiao Junyan curiously.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Ye Tianming coldly, his eyes full of warning and disgust when he looked at this kid.

Ye Tianming looked depressed and innocent at Xiao Junyan's disgusting eyes, raised his hands, and said innocently, "Boss, why are you looking at me like this? Yesterday, the date between you and the younger sister was gone. , Can't blame me!"

Subconsciously, Ye Tianming left on his head the things that were not made on the date yesterday, so he quickly explained it.

However, I did not know that when Xiao Junyan was said by Ye Tianming, a layer of blush appeared on his cheeks, and the roots of his ears were also red.

Ye Tianming has always been paying attention to the changes in his boss's look. Who made this boss really terrifying, he has to look at the right time to slip, this is his skill to survive under the boss's hands.

However, it's okay not to look at it, but at first glance, I saw that the roots of my boss's ears were actually red, and they were also very red, even the face was a little different, and a little red.

Suddenly, Ye Tianming stared a little, what happened to the boss and junior sister? Can the boss have such a reaction?

"Boss, are you blushing?" Ye Tianming asked Xiao Junyan in surprise with his mouth open.

Hearing Ye Tianming's words, Xiao Junyan recovered from yesterday's memories and threw a cold eye knife directly at Ye Tianming. He suddenly frightened a certain guy's body and looked at Xiao Junyan with a wince.

Ye Tianming quickly explained to himself, but his steps have already begun to go backwards, "Boss, don't look at me with such terrible eyes, I am innocent!"

Although I don't know what happened yesterday, it must be yesterday that my super invincible little junior sister must have done something that made her boss so different.

It wasn't until Ye Tianming left the corridor that Mu Yue's voice came from the room, "Brother Xiao, who is here?"

Hearing Mu Yue's voice, Xiao Junyan opened the door, walked in, and saw Mu Yue in a light purple snow gauze dress, sitting in front of the dressing table for the makeup artist to apply makeup to her.

Originally, some traces could be seen in the morning, but Mu Yue Yungong directly eliminated those bruises.

Otherwise, if she went out wearing such a strapless dress, she would be seen by the men in the Mu family, and she would have the heart to kill Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan walked to Mu Yue's side, frowned slightly, and said two words, "Jun Yan!"

Mu Yue raised his eyes and saw Xiao Junyan with a slightly tangled expression in the mirror, but he deliberately snorted twice, "Brother Xiao, Brother Xiao, Brother Xiao! Whatever I like! Give me?"

Hum, she almost didn't get up last night, and now she still has some backaches. She just didn't let him do what she wanted, so she didn't want to call him "Jun Yan!"

Xiao Junyan still frowned tightly and looked at Mu Yue, with a bit of confusion in his eyes. He seemed a little puzzled. Why did both of them do that thing yesterday? Why did Hai Jiao himself, Senior Brother Xiao?

"Who was here just now?" Mu Yue asked Xiao Junyan's attention quickly.

"Ye Tianming!"

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