Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2174: Xiao Junyan has a big catastrophe 2

"Yue, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Junyan squatted on the ground, looking at Mu Yue's slightly pale face, and asked concerned.

The people of Mu's family also gathered around Mu Yue and looked at her worriedly.

Mu Yue looked up at the crowd and smiled, "I'm fine!"

"Why is it okay? Your complexion is very bad!" Mu Haiye looked at Mu Yue worriedly and said.

Mu Yutao also asked Mu Yue worriedly, "Yeah, sister Yue, are you too tired recently?"

Mu Yue shook his head, "No, I'm okay! I just saw that Senior Brother Xiao's face was a little unpleasant, I silently calculated it in my heart, and it was just a bit of backlash!"

"Face?" Mu Yutao and the others looked towards Xiao Junyan's face, but they couldn't see anything.

Xiao Junyan frowned when he heard Mu Yue's words. Only he knew what he was going to do next. Did she see it?

"Yue, what did you see?" Xiao Junyan asked Mu Yue with a slightly worried tone.

Mu Yue gently shook her head, "I didn't see it, it was a fog!"

"I was scared to death!" Mu Yutao and the others were relieved when they heard Mu Yue said that they couldn't see clearly, thinking that they were just not good at learning.

Mu Yue frowned and said, "However, this matter is related to me, so I can't see the future clearly!"

As he said, Mu Yue grabbed Xiao Junyan's arm and said, "Senior Brother Xiao, you have been paying more attention recently, you have a disaster of blood and light!"

"Blood and Light Disaster!" Xiao Junyan frowned, his heart slammed, did his premonition work?

But with a confident smile on Xiao Junyan's face, he shook Mu Yue's small hand tightly, "Yue, don't worry, I'm fine, I've always been in the military area, how can something happen? You must be wrong!"

Mu Wenhao also nodded in agreement, smiled and comforted Mu Yue, "That's right, this guy has been in the military area, how can something happen!"

"Sister Yue, what face you said just now, are you sure it's true? This is a bit too outrageous!" Mu Hongbo said in disbelief.

Mu Yue glanced at the people, and said, "I am a descendant of the mystic medical school. I inherit not only the traditional Chinese medical skills, but also the strange gossip, metaphysics, divination and fortune-telling of our mystic medical school! But I rarely use these That's it!"

"Then are you sure you are accurate?" Mu Wenhao raised his eyebrows and looked at Mu Yue, and asked, "Perhaps you have never used it before and you are not good at learning skills, so you made a mistake?"

Mu Yue shook his head slightly, and explained, "It's not that I don't use it, it means that my metaphysics is not good, and my reasoning ability is not good, but in our industry, deducing numerology and revealing secrets is also good for us. To a certain extent, we all believe in the retribution of three evils and five deficiencies! It is precisely because of this that what I show in front of you is only my medical skills, not my metaphysical skills. I believe you should also be aware of some ancient ones. Metaphysical abilities, such as Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng, they all got the retribution of heaven for their predictions of the future!"

It is precisely because of this that both she and her master Dongfang Sheng, in the eyes of the world, for example, the old man Xiao who knows Dongfang Sheng, only thinks that Dongfang Sheng is a genius doctor, not a great power who knows how to deduct the future.

The master Dongfangsheng also saw the future development, so after the war, he resolutely left the team and lived in seclusion, so that he could spend his old age in peace.

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