Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2175: Xiao Junyan has a catastrophe 3

Although the people of Mu's family didn't know Mu Yue's metaphysical magic or something, they also knew that her ability was more than just a little medical skill.

"Will this kid die?" Mu Haiye took a deep look at Xiao Junyan and asked, "Will he die?"

Mu Yue's gaze fell on Xiao Junyan again, perhaps because this matter hadn't happened yet, so now the signs on Xiao Junyan's face were only a little bit, and if it were yesterday, there must be no sign.

"No, but..." Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan, then pinched his fingers, frowning even more tightly, "But next year, it will be Brother Xiao's catastrophe!"

When Xiao Junyan heard Mu Yue's words, he unconsciously grasped Mu Yue's slender hand tightly, "Daji!"

Mu Haiye cares more about this, "Then life or death?"

"Since it is a catastrophe, since it is a lifetime of nine deaths, I can't see the specifics. As I just calculated, this catastrophe should be on my body!" Mu Yue took a deep breath and looked at Xiao Junyan. There was a complicated body flashing in his eyes.

"It should be on you?" Elder Mu muttered to himself, "Is it your catastrophe?"

Mu Yue gently shook her head, "I'm not too sure right now, I need to meditate for divination!"

It was about Xiao Junyan's catastrophe and life safety, she couldn't sit idly by.

After speaking, Mu Yue sat down cross-legged in the hall, not knowing when there were three extra coins with both hands.

Mu Yue put the three copper coins on the ground, and sat cross-legged on the ground, lifting the mysterious doctor's method.

Everyone in the Mu family stood with Xiao Junyan, looking at Mu Yue, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground. As time passed, they could all feel the changes in Mu Yue's body, as if the girl in front of them was about to leave lightly. Generally, it is very ethereal.

Mu Yue's closed eyes suddenly opened, and the three copper coins on the ground were swept away with both hands, and the copper coins on the ground disappeared, shaking in Mu Yue's hands.

After only shaking three times, Mu Yue threw all the copper coins in his hands to the ground.

The three copper coins gruntly circled on the ground, spinning very fast.

A gleam of light flashed in Mu Yue's eyes, and she snorted in her heart, "Sky Eye! Open!"

This time, Mu Yue used not only his divination ability, but also his binocular prediction ability.

She can only see the important things of some people in the past two or three days, which endangers their lives and safety.

However, Xiao Junyan's affairs are a little far away, so she would treat it so solemnly.

Xiao Junyan clenched his fists in both hands, and his dark and deep eyes fell on Mu Yue's body, and his expression seemed a little complicated.

At this moment, the scene in front of Mu Yue suddenly changed. She only saw a black room with that slender figure standing in it.

Mu Yue still wanted to see clearly, or to see other pictures, but the scene in front of her was a flower, darkness, and mist, but she couldn't see clearly.

Mu Yue, who was unwilling in her heart, wanted to forcefully predict again, but her throat was sweet, "Puff!" A mouthful of red blood spurted out of her mouth, which stained the floor of the hall, and the red blood stains seemed to be in full bloom. Like snow lotus.

"Yue!" Seeing Mu Yue vomiting blood, Xiao Junyan came to her as quickly as possible and hugged her, "Don't forget it!"

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