Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2179: To untie the bell, you must tie the bell 3

"You must tie the bell to untie the bell?" Mu Yue frowned as he heard Dongfang Sheng's words, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

Dongfang Sheng patted Mu Yue on the shoulder, "When that kid appeared in front of me, I saw some of his troubles, but I didn't expect that you girl and that stinky kid would have such a great fate. !"

Mu Yue pondered and thought for a while, "Master, you mean, I can save Brother Xiao?"

"Yes, no!" Dongfang Sheng nodded.

Mu Yue was puzzled again, and looked at Dongfang Sheng puzzledly, "Master, I don't understand!"

"You also know that when I took you as a disciple, I rescued you under the cliff. At that time, the master saw that you looked like a dead person, but you still have a breath and are still alive, but when I take you After you came back, you became a living person again. I did some reasoning and divination on you, but found that everything about you was a fog. I couldn't find any information about you!" Dongfang Sheng raised his head slightly. It seems that I saw the scene of his first meeting with Mu Yue, "I also counted Xiao Junyan's catastrophe just now, but I found a fog, the same as when I counted you, do you...understand?"

Mu Yue lowered her head and groaned, "Well, I understand!"

She knew that she herself was born again, so her future was in a daze, so Dongfang Sheng couldn't count it.

The same is true for her. As long as it concerns herself and the matter involves herself, all divination is a mist and cannot be calculated.

"Then since the master is the same as me, it means, maybe, Brother Xiao's catastrophe is related to me, and Brother Xiao's catastrophe also needs me to solve it?" Mu Yue raised her eyes and looked at Dongfang with bright eyes. Sheng.

Dongfang Sheng smiled and nodded, and patted Mu Yue on the shoulder, "Well, you just need to be prepared, but don't be too messy. I will go to Xiao Junyan's master and discuss with him about the timing. Once we arrive, we will go to the capital to help you! Don't put too much pressure on yourself!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded softly, but her heart was firm.

Since Brother Xiao's catastrophe was related to her, then she would definitely not let Senior Brother Xiao be in trouble.

"Brother Dongfang, this is your apprentice?" The old Dao on the side saw Mu Yue and Dongfang Sheng finished talking, and asked with a smile.

Dongfang Sheng heard the old Dao's question, smiled and patted Mu Yue on the shoulder, and said, "Yes, this is my apprentice, Mu Yue! Come on, Mu Yue, this is Daoist Chongxu!"

Mu Yue respectfully clasped his fists with both hands and bowed to Chongxu Dao. "Junior Mu Yue, I have seen Senior Chongxu. I'm sorry for how rude a while ago!"

Dao Chang Chongxu smiled and touched his beard and nodded, and said, "It's no problem, no problem, Dongfang man can have a disciple like you, I am also happy for him!"

Dongfang Sheng smiled triumphantly, and sat in his seat again, looking at Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, you and your father have come from afar, sit down first! Rest for a night before leaving!" He smiled and asked Dao Chief Chongxu, "My old friend, don't you have any opinion on my behalf, right?"

Daoist Chongxu laughed loudly, "No, I also want to discuss with your baby apprentice, but you have been talking her kind words!"

"Okay, Master!" Mu Yue thought for a while, nodded, "Thank you, Daoist Chongxu!"

Although she is going to school, but since the master has said, she will not refuse, and for her, going to school is a kind of enjoyment.

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