Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2180: To untie the bell, you must tie the bell 4

After staying in Taoist temple for one night, Mu Yue left at noon the next day and went back to the capital.

She was still a little nervous about going to school. Master Dongfang Sheng also agreed that he would look for Xiao Junyan's master in these two days.

When Mu Yue returned to the capital, Xiao Junyan also took a group of his brothers on a smuggled ferry and went abroad for missions.

Mu Yue didn't know anything about Xiao Junyan's mission abroad, and she wanted to go to school after a short break when she returned home.

"Xiao Yue'er, your face is not very good, I think you should rest at home and go to school again!" Father Mu looked at Mu Yue's face worriedly and said.

Mu Yue gently shook his head and comforted Elder Mu, "Grandpa, don’t worry, I’m fine, I’m fine anymore. When I went to see the master, the master also helped me to adjust my body. Go to school, it's okay!"

Mu Yue is very clear about her body. Although she suffered a backlash, she has recovered a lot after Xiao Junyan and her master's treatment. However, her face looks a little weaker, and her body is a little weaker. It's just better than before. It's a little bit worse.

"Oh, you kid!" Elder Mu also had nothing to do with Mu Yue, "I will ask the guard to send you to school. If you have anything to do, go to your brother!"

In order to take care of Mu Yue, Mu Yifeng moved from Linshi to Beijing.

Mu Yifeng used to be in Beijing No. 1 Middle School, so it was easier for him to come back.

It's just that Mu Yifeng is not in the same class as Mu Yue, which is a little inconvenient, but it is also relatively close. One class and one class two are not bad. What can I do to help.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "I see, grandpa, don't worry, there is Brother Feng, what can I do, then grandpa, I will go to school first!"

He nagged with old man Mu until he had finished lunch before Mu Yue asked the guard to take him to school.

Although there was a student living on campus in No. 1 Middle School, but Mu Yue finally returned to the capital. Father Mu was reluctant to let Mu Yue live on campus, so he asked his guard to drive Mu Yue to school every day.

Moreover, it would be good for Mu Yue if he didn't live on campus, and he could also handle company affairs at ordinary times. There are various rules and regulations on campus, which is a little bit troublesome.

Therefore, for the purpose of Mr. Mu, Mu Yue also agreed without objection.

Because today was Mu Yue's first day to report to school, the guards went directly to the office with her with the report book.

At this time, Mr. Xu, the head teacher, was preparing courses in the office.

Teacher Xu was a little surprised when she saw Mu Yue's arrival, "Mu Yue, you have come to school! I heard your brother say that you are not in good health and you have to take a few days off. If you are not in good health, take more rest and rest. difference!"

Mu Yifeng was nearby when Mu Yue divination and vomiting blood, so he asked Teacher Xu for leave on behalf of Mu Yue, saying that she was ill.

"Teacher Xu, I'm sorry, I came to school so late, I'm much better already!" Mu Yue said to Teacher Xu with a smile.

The guard hurriedly said to Teacher Xu, "Mr. Xu, please take care of Miss Xu from the report sheet at this time, Mr. Xu, please take care of Miss. Miss is in poor health. If you have any discomfort, you can call me!"

Teacher Xu nodded, "Okay, I will take care of Mu Yue!"

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