Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2182: Goodbye Sheng Yingfan 2

Xu Yuxiang smiled and greeted the girl who walked in, "Cong Mo, you are here! Come here!"

Condensed Mo walked to Xu Yuxiang and nodded politely, "Ms. Xu!"

"Mu Yue, come here and introduce to you. This is the monitor of your class, Lily Mo!" Xu Yuxiang introduced Mu Yue and Lily Mo, "Yu Yue, this is what I told you before. I just joined The freshman in our class, Mu Yue, take good care of her in the future!"

Mu Yue smiled and stretched out her hand to Lingmo, "Hello!"

A flick of disgust and anger flashed in the eyes of Ning Mo, but it was so close that he could not see it. He lowered his head and shook his hand with Mu Yue, and said with a smile, "Hello, Mu Yue, welcome you to our class. If you have any questions or difficulties, you can come to me!"

"Thank you squad leader!" Mu Yue nodded.

Sheng Yingfan said to Mu Yue, "You can come to me if you have anything in the future, and I will leave first, and we will talk next time!"

"Good!" Mu Yue and Sheng Yingfan bid farewell.

Ningmo stood and watched, his eyes full of jealousy.

At this time, Mu Yue didn't know that the monitor of her class, Yu Mo, liked the cheerful and sunny boy Sheng Yingfan in front of him.

And the exchange between her and Sheng Yingfan at this time has already aroused all kinds of envy and jealousy in Ning Mo.

However, Mu Yue also felt that he was swept away by an unfriendly sight, turned around, looked in the direction from which his sight came, and landed on Ning Mo.

It's just that at this moment, Ning Mo had already reduced the anger in his heart, but he didn't let Mu Yue see it.

But, who is Mu Yue? She is a descendant of the mysterious doctor. She didn't look closely at the face of Ning Mo just now, because she didn't want to look at others' faces to understand them.

However, now this condensed foam gives her a sense of hostility and discomfort, of course she wants to see it.

Looking at the face of Lingmo now, although it is a very beautiful face, her three white eyes and drooping mouth are narrow-hearted, and she is a sinister, venomous, sinister and venomous person.

Thinking of this, there was a flash of care in Mu Yue's eyes. She didn't seem to offend her, right?

What she didn't know was that all this was caused by the blue face, she just said a few more words with Sheng Yingfan, and Sheng Yingfan had a good attitude towards her, so she made her envy and envy.

A flash of hatred flashed in Ning Mo's eyes, but he turned his head and smiled at Xu Yuxiang and asked, "Teacher, you must be very busy now, let me take Mu Yue to the class!"

Xu Yuxiang glanced at Mu Yue, without thinking about anything else, and nodded, "Well, that’s okay, Mu Yue, let’s go to the class with Ningmo. I’ll contact the people at the Academic Affairs Office later and see them. Have you finished your lunch? When you are finished, you can get a book!"

It's lunch time. Those teachers are not in the office, and the books for the third year are not available.

Mu Yue nodded, "Yes, thank you teacher, I can get it by myself later!"

"Well, Lingmo, take care of Mu Yue more. She is not in good health. Then you can ask other classmates to help her get it!" Xu Yuxiang smiled and said to Ningmo.

Condensation lowered his head, and a smug flashed in his eyes, "Okay, teacher!"

With that said, Ning Mo said to Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, let's go, I will take you to our class!"

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