Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2183: Goodbye Sheng Yingfan 3

Mu Yue was wondering, when he had any hatred with this Ningmo, Ningmo brought Mu Yue to the top of the stairs.

Ning Mo suddenly turned around. All the goodness that was on the teacher's side just disappeared. The beautiful little face was full of fierce and threatening expressions, "Mu Yue, I don't care who you are, you'd better stay away from Sheng Yingfan. He is not something you can think of!"

Mu Yue subconsciously stunned when she heard Ningmo's words, and then she felt a sudden shock in her heart.

Damn, she has suffered from the fish again!

He obviously just said a few words to Sheng Yingfan. Is there a way to hate her so much?

And, most importantly, she should have heard what she and Sheng Yingfan said just now, right?

She obviously refused Sheng Yingfan's various invitations, but how could she still think that she had serious thoughts about Sheng Yingfan?

If she doesn’t know her face, or she doesn’t even know the character of Condensed Mo, she will compromise a little bit. After all, she came to school not to cause trouble, but to study, saying that she would not think of Sheng Yingfan. .

However, she knew the scheming and mind of the girl in front of her, and knew that even if she said those words, she wouldn't have a good face to herself, then she didn't need to lower her posture.

Mu Yue stared at the fierce Condensing Mo coldly, "Condensing Mo, don’t take yourself too seriously, I’m not your turn to take care of my business, you like him, it’s your business, don’t take you The idea of ​​imposing on others, you are rare, I am not rare!"

"You!" Condensing Mo had no idea that Mu Yue would counterattack so sharply, staring at his own eyes with a look of disbelief.

"What am I? Condensing Mo, don't think that you are the squad leader, you can threaten me in front of me!" Mu Yue snorted coldly, suddenly letting go.

Mu Yue is also a master at the pinnacle of Qi refining incarnation. As soon as his momentum is released, even the guards can feel it and they can shake their hearts, let alone the weak woman in front of him?

Condensing Mo was shaken backwards by Mu Yue's momentum. I don't know if it was bad luck and his foot was hit by the trash can beside him.

Then, by coincidence, Condensed Mo fell directly to the ground, and now it was summer again, with thin clothes on her upper body and only a short sleeve on her upper body, which caused Condensed Mo’s arms to knock on the ground and immediately hit a piece of it. Yu Qing burst into tears with pain.

Mu Yue lowered his head, looked down at Ning Mo with a mocking look, taking his own humiliation.

Ning Mo raised his head and glared at Mu Yue aggrievedly and resentfully, but when confronted with the disdain and ridicule in her eyes, suddenly, a burst of anger surged in his heart, but he also shrank his neck with some fear.

In fact, Mu Yue's aura just now had a great influence on her.

"Mu Yue, this is the school, how dare you do it!" Ning Mo got up from the ground and questioned Mu Yue angrily.

Mu Yue sneered and looked down at the trash can on the ground, "I did it? Obviously you tripped over the trash can. Why did I beat you? Squad leader, we are good students, so we can't lie!"

"You!" Cheng Mo's face flushed with anger when Mu Yue said. She pointed her finger at Mu Yue and didn't know what to say for a while, but felt that the place where she fell just now was even more painful.

In the end, Ning Mo could only leave this cruel sentence, "You wait for me! I won't let you go!"

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