"I said you can't sit, you can't sit!" The girl pointed at Mu Yue with her finger in a domineering anger, and ordered her.

Mu Yue only thought it was ridiculous, so she didn't bother to pay attention to it, so she stopped going to see her.

However, after turning his head, Mu Yue took a look at Condensed Mo.

Sure enough, I saw the smug smile on Ning Mo's face at this time.

Mu Yue secretly said as expected, she just said, just now she had caused this narrow-minded woman to suffer such a grievance, how could she give her a seat so easily?

Although she only asked her to find a vacant seat by herself, there was no vacant seat. There was only one seat, so she had to sit.

And this one seems to be a bit unusual, so she let her sit, and now it has caused other people's dissatisfaction.

Knowing the little abacus in Ning Mo's heart, he really didn't want to mess around with her, coldly glanced at Ning Mo with a smug smile on his face.

Condensing Mo was swept by Mu Yue's cold eyes, and her body shuddered subconsciously. She only felt a cold wind blowing from her back, making her shudder.

Seeing Mu Yue's attitude, the fierce girl stomped her feet with anger, still with grievances on her face.

At this time, Ning Mo stood up and persuaded the girl with a bit of crying, "Yang Xue, stop talking!"

Yang Xue turned her head to look at Ning Mo, but she was a little surprised to see the tears on her face, "Squad leader, why are you crying?"

Condensing Mo lowered his head when asked by Yang Xue, but a successful smile flashed under his eyes, and said weakly, "Yang Xue, don't ask!"

While speaking, Ningmo glanced at Mu Yue again, as if saying that she was being bullied.

At this time, the students in the entire class were curiously watching what happened at this time, and Yang Xue's sudden words caused everyone's attention to fall on Ningmo's body.

As a result, the movement of Condensing Mo that naturally looked towards Mu Yue also fell into their eyes.

Yang Xue also saw Ning Mo's actions, and suddenly became even more angry, "Squad leader, is she bullying you?"

"No!" Condensed Mo shook his head quickly, but it seemed that he accidentally touched the injury on his arm with some eagerness to cover up, and inhaled a breath of cold air in his mouth, covering the bruise on his arm.

When the students around saw it, they suddenly stared, as if they saw Congmo's arm hurt.

Then, the boy who had a crush on Chongmo and the girl who wanted to cheat Congmo stood up and cared about her.

"Squad leader, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, why is there such a bruise on your arm? What's the matter?"

"This little **** made it, didn't it?"

When everyone thought of Ningmo's actions just now, they turned their heads and stared at Mu Yue in anger. It goes without saying that the person who bullied Ningmo was Mu Yue.

Ning Mo looked like a good person, and said, "It's okay, no, Mu Yue just accidentally didn't bully me!"

However, if you want to cover it up like this, how can everyone believe that they were deceived by the words of Condensation, and all of them stared at Mu Yue angrily.

Especially Yang Xue, directly and aggressively walked towards Mu Yue.

"Who are you? Not only did you grab the seat of Shaobian, but you also bullied our monitor!" Yang Xue pointed at Mu Yue angrily and cursed.

This is completely new and old hatred together.

On the other hand, Mu Yue heard the key word, "The seat on the edge of Yu Shao", it seems that his identity at the same table is unusual?

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