Mu Yue glanced at the vacant seat next to him, and didn't see this person sitting there, but there were books on the table. It should be that this person hasn't come to school yet, it's later than him.

However, Mu Yue is not a curious baby, she wants to understand why the other party does not come to school.

It's just that now she is being scolded by someone pointing her nose!

The most important thing is that the person who is now questioning himself is also unreasonable, and the main reason is that he has taken his position.

And revenge for Ningmo was incidental, it was just a fuse, she just didn't let herself sit in this seat.

However, Mu Yue has never liked being calculated by others. She glanced at the condensed foam coldly, and the corners of her lips rose slightly.

Looking at everyone's current attitude towards Condensing Mo, it is estimated that she has always been in another attitude in front of her classmates, and no one believes that she has explained it.

Mu Yue could only stand up, she should go get her own book first, she didn't want to see these people, "Get out of the way!"

She didn't want to avoid caress with them, but Yang Xue felt that Mu Yue had a guilty conscience and wanted to escape.

Yang Xue didn't listen to Mu Yue's words, she stood with her hands on her hips and stood in the aisle, "I don't care who you are, you must apologize to the monitor today, and, leaving here immediately, this seat is not something you can think of!"

Mu Yue raised her eyes and looked at Yang Xue coldly, "Where do you want me to sit in this seat? Do you sit on yours?"

Yang Xue said domineeringly, "I don't care where you sit, you just can't sit here! Or, just get out!"

"You are not qualified to say this to me!" Mu Yue looked cold and arrogant, directly raised his hand and pulled Yang Xue away from him.

Even if Mu Yue's body is still very weak, Yang Xue can't resist it?

I was almost staggered. If there were not many tables around, I could grab a table with just one hand and hold my body, and I would probably fall to the ground.

Yang Xue, who was pulled away by Mu Yue, became even more angry and called out, "Stop!"

When the shout fell, Yang Xue reached out and grabbed Mu Yue's hair.

Mu Yue seemed to have an eye behind him, turned around quickly, grabbed Yang Xue's wrist directly, and narrowed her beautiful eyes, "Don't trouble me, I hate trouble! I don't mind the trouble. Strangled in the cradle!"

When Yang Xue faced Mu Yue's dark eyes, her body was trembling, and she felt cold all over her body.

Mu Yue shook off Yang Xue's arm. Because of the threat just now, Yang Xue did not react, and fell directly to the ground, screaming in pain.

Mu Yue didn't even look at Yang Xue, but walked directly toward the door of the classroom.

All the students in the class, regardless of male or female, stared at Mu Yue who was walking out, and swallowed a mouthful of water.

Ning Mo turned his head and glanced at Yang Xue who was lying on the ground, and cursed in his heart, "Useless things!"

She didn't expect that this time she would be escaped by a **** like Mu Yue.

However, not long after Mu Yue went out, she walked in a girl with a neat ponytail, but she was surprised to see the different scenes in this class when she walked in.

"What happened?"

Seeing the girl who came in, a calculation flashed across Ning Mo's eyes, and then he walked towards her, "Su Yunxi, you are here!"

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